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Chinese songs (I don*t speak Chinese) and some are in English (like Perfect Moment)

F4 F E V E R *******!!!

The first six songs featured below: They\'re CHINESE pop songs...Although I AM NOT CHINESE I can always ask someone to translate for me, plus THE FEELINGS ARE THERE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF EACH SONG ITSELF!...

At first I thought that the F4 had disbanded...I didn\'t realize they intend to remain as a group while pursuing individual projects...and I didn\'t know they were so close, just like brothers. I\'m very touched!

THIS EXPRESSES MY ECSTATIC MOOD REGARDING LIFE...(Oh baby, baby, baby, My baby baby Wo Jue Bu Neng Shi Qu Ni!)

F4 - JUE BU NENG SHI QU NI (so you NEVER thought that a Chinese pop song would put you into the right groove of moving through cheer and joy...)

Amy*s Joy as expressed in a happy Chinese love song:


THIS ONE IS A BIT SAD, FEATURING FRUSTRATION WITH SOMEONE WHO\'S KIND OF MEAN...It does NOT remind me of ANYONE in PARTICULAR!!...(some people said, ENEMIES of course, that it reminds THEM of ME (what??)...but that\'s just them...I\'m a nice girl, FYI!)

just a great song by the F4, as represented here by one of them, Jerry Yan:

F4 - feat. Jerry Yan (I Really, Really Love You)(Chinese)



Can*t help falling in love:


Meteor Rain:


PEPSI Winning Her Heart commercial:


At First Place:


Te Amo:


Write your Sad times in Sand,
Write your Good times in Stone....

-Posted by jacob-28

Beautiful woman pleases the eyes, a good woman pleases the heart.
one is a gem, and the other is a treasure

-Posted by jacob-28

“I have an idea that the only thing which makes it possible to regard this world we live in without disgust is the beauty which now and then we create out of Chaos.

The pictures we paint, the music we compose, the books we write, and the lives we lead. Of all these, the richest in beauty, is the gift of Love. That is the perfect work of art."

-Posted by Talislanta, as his own adaptation of a similar quote by W. Somerset Maughan

Beauty is a harmonious relation between something in our nature and the quality of the object which delights us.

-Posted on Entropy*s profile


music, art here ad there (my mother painted, that*s why), paper mache and handcrafts, cooking, writing, dolphins, wolves, cats, horses, guns, opening up underground caves (through dynamite) (I have a huge belt-buckle that says "Explosives Expert"), making real bullets safe enough for 3D plastic printed guns...fixing cars


all James Bond movies, all cowboy movies, any movie with guns (or bombs)...and movies of Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal,
Sly Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan and Jet Lee...Do I feel like one of Charlie*s Angels?? More like a Bond Girl, actually.



They*re fighting about their future and about what love really means. As usual, I will not interfere. He will do what he thinks is best, and I will just support him in whatever he decides. That*s what friends are for anyway!



Oh yes. His GIRLFRIEND wants to know if I think he loves her. Well, I*ll gladly answer that!

HERE IT IS: It is EASY for a man to SAY he*s happy in his relationship, and when he*s married, even unhappily, that he*s happily married. WHY? It*s because of pride. Admitting he*s not happy in his relationship, or that he*s unhappily married, takes away the masculine pride about making the right decision in terms of being trapped (trapped HAPPILY) which is better than admitting both that you made the wrong decision and worse, you can*t get out so easily...(trapped UNHAPPILY). If you*re a man, which would you declare to the world?

Yeah...I know it*s all lies with the unhappily married men or men unhappy in some kind of committed relationship (living with the mother of your kids)...but neutral onlookers are not all about embarrassing these men who*ve made mistakes so we all keep quiet, right?

SPECIFICALLY, IN HER SITUATION: Okay, girl. He feels that he would want to have a deeper relationship with you. Afterall (afterall is a compound preposition no longer in use today except for those who insist), you are the mother of his children. To him, IF THERE WERE a REAL magic solution that would make everything alright, with you as a happy family, he would take that.

So what*s the problem? Although the structure of your relationship is such that you*re supposed to understand and accept him, including all of his ups and downs...it*s not happening at all. Day in and day out, you have decreed, maybe unconsciously yet naturally, that his role in life is to understand YOU, and never the other way around.

Now with men, THAT SORRY SITUATION IS NOT ENOUGH TO KILL THE HOPE THAT YOU WILL SOMEHOW DO THE SAME FOR THEM. Understand them, accept them, love them so much. Afterall, they chose you and don*t want to be proven wrong...So in your case, prove your man right in his choice of you. That*s all you*ve got to do.

So it*s not too late...He wants the two of you to be best friends, and he still believes in the vision of a happy family. You will marry each other but it shouldn*t stop there.

Does he love you now? There are many forms of love and you should win/earn all types of love from him. As a friend and sister, no problem. As a romantic partner, work on it. The possibilities are all there. (Well, truthfully, these past few years, it was all about YOU and your wants. Make up for that and everything will be alright.)

[Yeah I know..you were only asking me if I thought he loved you (you were sooo curious, right?)(The answer, by the way, in three words, is "yes and no".)...and you didn*t need the advice...but that advice is part of what I think he thinks about you.]

I*ll put them here.


Oftentimes, our true Destiny is an UNKNOWN person until he finally arrives on the scene. (Also applies to men - they do meet their destiny as well!)

Since the future is unknown, we all know nothing of our Destiny at this point.

EVOLVING: I*ve noticed that some here have highly evolved ways of communicating on DN, and I think I*ll do thesame . We each do our darnedest here and concentrate on areas where we best express our individuality. Some with notes and/or comments, some with comments and uploading, some with notes and uploading, etc. So yes, my style is evolving as well.

MY CRUSH/MY LOVE: He really is just My Crush, and not a boyfriend (just a friend)! However, he*s also My Love...not that I*m making it hard for my suitors (they are mostly found outside of DN)...but I*m still strictly NOT available! (Guys, please don*t flirt with me here on DN or outside of DN...I*m still TAKEN!) My heart just won*t listen to reason for now....Maybe later! (He still watches what*s going on with me, so he can see if any are flirting with me...not that he*d be jealous....it\'s just an entrenched habit of his - watching me! That gives meaning to the saying, "Friends are always on the look-out for each other"! )

YOUTH: It*s a state of mind first and foremost

Physically though, I*m an old lady that looks young...so that I once had a boyfriend who was 26 years younger than me and everyone thought he was older until I gave the needed information. Then everyone was shocked. LoL

CHASTITY: I like sex (too much) but I am chaste and celibate and I don*t believe I should engage in it (sex) if I am not married to the hot, sexy and tempting hunk that I happen to like...and there IS a hot, sexy and tempting hunk that I happen to like right now(my crush, who else!)...Eventually though, we WILL gravitate towards the one who is really MEANT to be ours, whoever that person is.

THE KISS: I entered into an arranged marriage when I was young...Naturally, based on my own principles, I could have sex with my husband in order to have a son...ALL THAT TIME, I never allowed the person to kiss me because it was not a marriage based on love!

As for my ex-boyfriend, the Hollywood actor, he was so busy (some of you know who he is)(the other guys criticized him severely for neglecting me and not deserving my love, but really, it wasn*t his fault - he worked so hard!), he was waking up, going to work, going home, sometimes eating dinner and sometimes only a snack, then he*s off to bed at 9 PM -his mother*s rules- therefore, we never ever got the chance to kiss; we broke up seven years later...So...out of the Carmelite convent...and into secular life...and I*VE NEVER BEEN KISSED! Truth is stranger than fiction.

MUSIC: I*m a composer (yes, the music-sheets kind). All singers can compose, by the way, because they*re highly musical...so it*s not like it*s a special talent of mine

ART: I love art

BLOGGING: It*s more of a mission to me

MY OLDER PROFILE: It*s a long-term project - not yet finished! It emphasizes friendships and highlights Inspi, Melissa (Darksong) and Brian (Talislanta)...It*s in my journal...I put it there to be able to put in PICTURES and change font COLORS...plus the fonts are BIGGER there!

I also wanted to put that version in a more PERMANENT PLACE, because I keep changing and updating my front page profile (this here). I will post here when it*s completed!



First off, if I praise him outright, without giving qualifiers, I will be seen to be eating my words on the day of my wedding, IF I ever wed, that is (one of the many possibilities is I*d be single my whole life, STILL WAITING for that proverbial knight in shining armour to my very last breath hahaha!)...if he happens to be NOT the one there waiting for me at the altar...BECAUSE...ultimately, the sexiest man on Earth would be my husband, whoever he will be, if I ever marry any man. (And of course, why couldn*t I dream that he ultimately is that man? Dreams are free for the taking, no one needs to pay a cent for the freedom to dream beautiful dreams.)

Secondly, we have to acknowledge what I*ve said in the previous post that given his generosity in giving of himself this Season of Love, I still am in a very uncertain position, in his life, and in my personal life, romantically.

Having mentioned those two qualifiers, as I*ve said before, I have never had a more romantic Valentine*s Season (which includes Valentine*s Day, February 14th, itself) in my entire life!

So here*s to a super-romantic Day and Season...I*ve never, ever had it before:

Right now, he is The Best Love Ever in the story of my life so far...my LATEST love is always my GREATEST love so far...because- whenever I break up with someone, all that love I*ve had my entire life eventually goes without a name and all that love is waiting to be given/poured out to someone new, if any...and the latest love just adds to the store of love that*s in my heart, waiting to be given away, that*s why.

And no one can beat him in the Sweet and Romantic Department (the BEST Valentine*s Day in my entire life, remember?). He knows how to do it.
For the curious...you will know more about the five roses and the love letters...You can go to the February 14th (2015) entry and read that expanded portion.

When I say expanded in this case though, it DOES NOT mean it*s long...just a few words explaining more about the five roses and a clue about the exact number of love letters...

If you think you*re more of the Sherlock Holmes-type...why not guess the number of love letters I have received? *smiles*

[To those who are familiar with the post "His Messages"...well, it*s no longer a one-sentence post...it*s a regular short post, so you can head on there as well...I added stuff after the.."So he reassures me..." sentence.]
[As usual, if you would like to know the viewer count on this essay, just go to the original post on February 14 ("...I love you!"). The essay has been transferred here because something was added there..the February 14th story about The Surprise from My Love.]


[Typing convention: Asterisks replace the apostrophe because apostrophes do not work in this journal]

...IMPORTANT: People...LOL... NOT SEX!!...I merely told him I wouldn*t put a greeting here on February 14, and he said he wanted one from me! It wasn*t a request for the sex act with me giving in, my goodness!!!












OKAY...the varied reactions of people lengthened the once-short note below (original one in green)!

[My Questions to you all:

1. Can*t we send sexy-looking cards to our Love??

2. Doesn*t romance(/love) also mean sexuality (although in my case, old-fashioned sexuality)?]

Below you will see the Original Note to Those Who Read This Post...Some thought, because I guess they didn*t read it well, (and just skimmed over it) (and maybe took one look at the sexy pose in the card and made the wrong conclusion) that I surrendered "that way" (sexually) and that is WRONG~ LoL...It was just about a NOTE here on Valentine*s Day! Here it is again (read it well this time!):

To those who come across this entry...

Well, at first I told him and everyone that I would NOT put a Valentine*s Day/Hearts Day entry in this journal...because it might seem tacky, and not really welcomed by him.

His reaction was that he wouldn*t like it if I didn*t have a special greeting just for him (in this journal).

So my Honey wins, and I surrender with love!



My answer is: Dreaming and fantasizing about your romantic partner or sweetheart is nice and good.

You only have to honor each other*s preferences regarding the timing of the sex act (in my case, it*s the old-fashioned timing) so you do not unnecessarily seduce your partner or trick him or her...Like I said, if I ever decide to give in, the whole world will know about it! LOL I*m not kidding! So if you don*t hear any news about it, then we*re still holding on to the ideal (according to my preference).

It is my understanding, and his too, that a man will never force or trick or seduce a woman he loves into having sex with him if she makes it clear that she has an old-fashioned preference regarding these things. A boyfriend truly in love with his girl is after all not a rapist, not a rogue, etc.

OF COURSE these things are the stuff of women*s fantasies in ROMANTIC NOVELS featuring ultra-handsome and muscular rogues (not your everyday rapist, okay)

[TAKE NOTE: A woman does NOT fantasize about being raped by an ugly guy or a guy she doesn*t care for, but fantasizes about being RAVISHED by her handsome boyfriend...I hope the difference is duly noted!]...And there will be room for all that in the life of an old-fashioned woman, did you know...If she ever marries, then she and her husband can role-play that and other (ENDLESS) possibilities, right?

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