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Full Name:Pat Bradley
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Join Date:7/4/11
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UniversalExplorerPosted by UniversalExplorer   10/20/22 at 7:32pm
Hope you're having a cheerful day!

Carla 8)
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   1/1/22 at 1:15am
Hello to all of my friends...

I am hanging in there, still struggling with back trouble. I was happy that I was able to make one wallpaper for the coming year... I still can't sit at my computer for very long, but I have been able to cut back on pain medication - - - Woo-hoo! Baby steps are very cheering. ☺️☺️☺️

I hope that all of you have a happy, safe, wonderful New Year. We can all use one, can't we.

Love & Hugs,

Elaine ❤️☺️❤️
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   12/25/21 at 3:10am
This year my note to you is in the wallpaper description...

Hugs...Elaine ☺️❤️

aussie48Posted by aussie48   12/7/21 at 2:39am
thank you pat my dear friend for your wallpaper comment

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   12/1/21 at 5:44am

Hello to all of my friends & fans...

Although I've been logging in to DN just about every day, it probably seems like I've been m.i.a. I haven't forgotten about any of you though. I've been spending a lot of time in nature parks... and when I got a good photos, I often thought about what Groups they might fit in, and who might like certain ones. :)

I was going to write a journal entry to go with these wallpapers but I just don't have the energy to do it. I've had a rough day. I unexpectedly had to go to my dentist with a hurting tooth, and the appointment took a lot out of me. I'm now on an antibiotic for it.

On top of that, my son, his expectant wife, and two young children all got Covid 19. They've been very careful so it's a mystery as to how they got it. They were pretty miserable for awhile, but they are finally starting to do better. My husband and I had to cancell our plans and go into quarantine for the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend; we'd been with them before they knew they had it. Fortunately, both of us tested negative so we are in the clear. whew!

I hope you are all well, and have more energy than my family and I currently do. You can be thankful that you don't live here right now. As I write this, Michigan is the worst state in the U.S.A. for new Covid cases. Our hospitals are very full and the medical people are exhausted. I don't know how they manage to keep going.

Please...take care of yourselves... and stay safe. I have a dear friend who lost her senses of taste and smell 8 months ago and still hasn't gotten them back. Three of my friends went on ventilators and one of them did not pull through. Stay as far away from Covid 19 as you possibly can! You'll be a lot happier that way.


Elaine :)

PS. It's been the nature walks that have been keeping me going. Get out in the woods if you can, listen to birdsong, and watch for movements in the trees. I spot so many woodpeckers, squirrels, and deer that way...! It is a very rejuvenating way to spend your time. I wish I could take some of you with me on my walks... The best I can do is to show you some of the plants and animals that have given me so much joy. Spoiler Alert: I've just gotten some of my best deer photos ever...2 or 3 of them will be in my next batch of DN uploads. :D

PPS. If you need prayer for anything in your life, let me know. Thanks to the pandemic, I've been learning a lot about prayer, and have been praying more than I have in many years.

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   4/4/21 at 8:11am
:) :) :)
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   3/17/21 at 6:35am
Top of the morning to you... Have a Happy Saint Patrick's Day! :D

Elaine :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   2/15/21 at 8:38am

Hi Pat,

I hope you had a great Valentine's Day... As you can plainly see, my Valentine's Day was for the birds... :P :) :D :D :D

Elaine :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   12/31/20 at 9:57pm
Yoo hoo... Pat...

I am SO SO GLAD that this year is ending, and that it's time to wish you a

I hope it will be a good year for you-- and much better than last year!

May you find all things fresh and new, and have much to look forward to! :D

Happy Hugs,

Elaine :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   12/25/20 at 4:52pm

Merry Christmas, Everyone! :D

You may have noticed that I've been less active on DN this year. It's been a rough year for me, (and I know that I'm not the only one!) I've been isolating myself a lot to avoid getting Covid 19. I have several friends and acquaintances who have gotten it. One of them, a 28 year old, almost died. I've been spending a lots of time out in Nature areas. (If I could catch Covid from squirrels, deer, or trees, I'd be in big trouble!) �

In November, I took some pictures of pine trees that were in the parking area of a Nature center I like. I started playing with one of the pine tree photos on my computer. Whenever I looked at it, a Christmas Carol would start going through my head; It came upon a Midnight Clear. I thought I might put it on the wallpaper, so I started doing research on the song.

I was amazed when I read about the man who composed it and the times that he lived in. I put what I discovered in my wallpaper description, and a link to the song itself. If you have experienced stress, worry, and difficulty this year, you will identify with and truly appreciate this song!

Hang in there, have a marvelous Christmas, and God Bless You!


Elaine :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   10/31/20 at 4:45am

Hello everybody... It's me, coming up for some air! :P :D In all honesty, my life has been nuts lately!

I had been spending a lot of time in the woods, getting all sorts of nature photos-- it is so peaceful, and I need peace these days! (Don't we all? lol) That came to an abrupt halt on October 6th. I've been dealing with a toe, a tooth, and a squirrel ever since. Well actually, the squirrel problem is resolved now, but it was CRAZY while it lasted. I hope you'll read about it all in my journal-- you'll probably get some smiles out of it. :)


I am still trying to get my life back to a semblance of normal. Nursing my toe along has really slowed me down.

I hope that you are doing well and that your life is more serene than mine has been lately. Take care, find something to smile about ever day, and stay safe!


Elaine :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   9/1/20 at 2:08am

Hello everyone!

If you think that it's been a long time since I visited your profile, you are absolutely right. I haven't been doing much visiting�here since the end of March. One thing that I have been doing, however, is logging into DN a�couple of times a day so that people here wouldn't worry about me.�

My state of Michigan went into lockdown on March 15th. Because I am in a high risk category, (heart attack last December among other things) I take lockdown very seriously. My husband started doing all of the grocery shopping. I stopped going to any stores. I either worked (part time because business is down) or stayed at home. It didn't take long for me to start feeling stir crazy.�

Then I rediscovered an old love of mine. Nature.�I started going to a nature center near my house with my camera in tow. The center itself was closed, but the trails were not. I walked those trails, sat on benches, listened, observed, and started taking photos. I've taken several thousand photos since March, and have no plans of slowing down anytime soon. I've photographed trees, trails, birds, deer, wildflowers, squirrels, insects, and more.

I've been to at least 6 Nature Centers now. The wallpapers I uploaded today (even the blue Chevy wallpaper!) are from 3 different ones that I've been to recently.�

I feel so much calmer and happier than I used to. Trail walking or even just sitting outdoors and listening is wonderful medicine. Give it a try and you won't be sorry!

I hope to start getting more active here again. I have ideas for 2 nature groups that I haven't yet seen on DN. I actually meant to start those 2 groups a month ago though, and it didn't happen.:P� If and when I finally do, I will let you know. :)

Thank you for not giving up on me. There've been many days when I've desperately needed to walk the trails and let the computer go. With the way that things are happening in our troubled world, I'll likely continue to need the trails very much. I'll try not to be as much of a stranger though. You might be surprised at how much I think of many of you as I walk!

May God bless you all and keep you safe.


Elaine :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   4/19/20 at 7:50pm

Hi Pat,

Springtime greetings from the lower Peninsula of Michigan! :P :D

Believe it or not, I took the photograph above 2 days ago, on April 17th. I guess it goes along with the rest of our upside down world that we would get a couple inches of snow on an April Spring day. Actually, some parts of Michigan got 6 inches of it!

Below are three more pictures that I took that day. Thank goodness the snow has melted-- at least where I live! :P

I know that the snow blew through more states than just Michigan, and it probably went through parts of Canada also. If you experienced any of this unseasonable weather, I'd love to hear about it! :D


Elaine :)

PS. I hope to start getting more active on DN soon. I was in shock for quite awhile about the pandemic that we are all experiencing, but I think I'm finally adjusting to everything.

Thank you to all of you who have left comments on my wallpapers... that is SO appreciated! I hope to start leaving comments on yours again soon too. We need to uplift and support each other during these disturbing and difficult times. In my opinion, there is no better way to do that than to leave a comment on a wallpaper! :) :) :)

PPS. Here is a caution/warning to everyone who uploads wallpapers to DN... If you are in the habit of putting descriptions on your wallpapers, BE CAREFUL! Save your descriptions in a document so that you don't lose them.

When I uploaded my 4 wallpapers today, I edited them to add a group or two that I had forgotten. I added my groups, but when I hit "Save" my entire wallpaper description vanished! Thank goodness, I had written my descriptions in memos separate from DN. I was able to paste them back in... whew! I have now begun a document of every one of my descriptions. I also plan to paste and copy my descriptions on to a memo pad before I do any Group adding or editing on any wallpaper from now on.

This may be a new bug or it may only happen from time to time. All I know is, I'm not going to take any chances with this, and I'm sure that none of you will want to either. Please pass this info along to any uploader you know whom it could help. :) :) :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   4/12/20 at 7:08pm
Have a special, blessed Easter! I hope you are doing okay. Send me a PM if you need to talk to somebody... our entire world has been crazy lately! :P :D

Giant Hugs,

Elaine :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   3/31/20 at 3:20am

Greetings to everybody! :)

Although I've been logging in to DN everyday, I haven't been very active. Case in point... I haven't uploaded any wallpapers this month... until today, and it's the very last day of the month!

I have to admit that part of it is I've been watching all of the Coronavirus/Covid 19 TV news. (That's about all the news there is, these days!) I've watched in horrified fascination as the numbers of sick people go higher and higher. At least the TV news does one good thing, it leads me to pray, again & again & again for nurses, doctors, and other medical personnel. Also for all of the people who have fallen ill from this hateful virus...

In Michigan we are under "Stay at Home" orders. I think every state in the USA should be doing that-- I feel sorry for people in places that do not have these orders. One of my sisters who lives in another state told me she wishes so much that their governor would give Stay at Home orders too, so everyone will be safer.

At this point, I want to apologize to everyone who belongs to my Cows, Sheep, and Balloon Groups. Normally, I favorite and comment on all of the wallpapers in those 3 groups. I just haven't had it in me to do that lately. :( I may not be getting back to that very much until the pandemic is more under control and less worrisome.

If you have uploaded wallpapers to any of those 3 groups that you would really like me to see and comment on, post them directly on my profile, and I'll try to do better. For that matter, if any of you have ANY walls you think I would appreciate, post those on my profile page too. Frankly, I could use some beautiful walls right now, to keep my mind off of the latest Covid-19 woes.

The 3 wallpapers that I've just uploaded are below. The first wall especially, was inspired by the Covid-19 situation. I hope it will make you smile. We can all use something to laugh at these days...

Whatever you do, take care of yourselves and your loved ones! I hope we DNers can all get through this pandemic safely!

Giant Hugs,

Elaine :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   3/1/20 at 6:15am

Hi Everybody,

I unexpectedly created a new group today. It's a fun one! I'm inviting you to have a look at it and consider joining. :)

I only had time to create one new wallpaper for it (above). You, however, may have some wallpapers in your collection that fit the group already! :D

Have a great Sunday! :D
Elaine :)


PS. Here is one of Emma's wallpapers that fits perfectly in this group. :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   1/10/20 at 2:11pm
If you truly care about Desktop Nexus, vote this wallpaper up, favorite it, and wear it on your profile. And pass this message on!
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   12/31/19 at 6:47pm
Hi Pat,

I'm driving by...

to wish you a

May you have a new hope and great joy in 2020.:D


Elaine :)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   12/25/19 at 10:19am
Hello everyone,

It is so good to be able to write a greeting to all of you! :)

I had a major life changing event this month. Many of you know that on December 9th I had a massive heart attack. I am so glad to be alive and able to tell you that. :D

I will never be the same again. I am not talking about what I went through or the 2 stents in my heart. I am talking about mentally. You can't go through something like this without rethinking your priorities and what is most important to you in life...

I won't tell you about every priority that I've set for myself, but there are a couple that you will want to know. One is that I am more committed to Desktop Nexus than ever. I still love and care about this website, in spite of the spam and neglect. You, my friends, make this website a joy to be on. I will do what I can to battle spam and stay in touch with all of you. :)

I can probably explain the most important priority in my life by talking about my December wallpapers. They are in this post in the exact order that I uploaded them. imo these wallpapers are an accurate description of my life so far this month.

"Christmas Ribbon Dance" is a simple light hearted Abstract I completed about 3 days before I went through the heart attack. (I also had a funny one to go along with it, of a somewhat psychedelic poinsettia. I never finished that one. I'll probably upload it next Christmas.)

I created "A Stained Glass Christmas" in the spirit of, "Oh gosh! I'm barely going to have any Christmas wallpapers to upload this month! I've got to get busy creating something!" :P Well, I starting having so much fun manipulating my stained glass window photo that I forgot to worry about the number of wallpapers that I might or might not upload. It felt so good to take my time and simply create something intricrate and pretty! :)

"A Wonderful Gift" has two hearts in it's design. (At first glance they may not be easy to see.) In the description of this wallpaper I've written about some of the things I went through during my heart attack. I did not go through it alone! God was with me all the way through... :)

The last wallpaper in my post, "O Holy Night" is the reason that I didn't get to upload these wallpapers until Christmas Day. (As I write these words, it is 3am where I live, and yes, it is indeed Christmas!:D) The other 3 wallpapers were ready to go up a couple of days ago. But I felt like something was missing... and after some soul searching I realized that I wanted to create a wall that told a story... the Christmas story. I hope you like it! Of all of these wallpapers, this is the one that I'd love for you to take a close look at, in part because I put so much work into it. I think I spent at least 16 hours on it!:) (I had that kind of time on my hands because my cardiologist didn't want me to go back to work or drive for a couple of weeks.)

Thank you so much for being my friends. Thank you for the care and the concern and the get well wishes that you all PMed me with and/or posted on my profile page. That meant so much to me...

Have a beautiful, wonderful, and blessed Christmas, everyone. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, have a beautiful, wonderful week ahead!

God bless us, everyone!


Elaine :)

PS. There is one Desktop Nexus member who is no longer with us. Blueangels1015/Judy went home to be with Jesus on Thursday, December 19th. Grandma Gingerbread/Joyce let me know this just today through a PM. (For anyone who doesn't know, Grandma Gingerbread/Joyce is Judy's sister.)

Joyce is extremely busy right now with funeral arrangements and many other things that must be taken care of when someone passes away. She told me that she would be on DN sporadically for awhile because of that. Here is a link to her profile page in case you would like to send her a sympathy card. (I can only imagine how rough it must be to lose a loved one at this time of year.) :(


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ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Christmas
Category: > Other
Description: None
12/22/23 at 5:41am
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: happy Easter Bunny
Category: > 3D and CG
Description: None
3/19/23 at 7:47pm
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Vintage Christmas
Category: > Other
Description: Art is from a 1973 fuel oil company's holiday newsletter. Lettering spells out Merry Christmas in American Sign Language
12/14/22 at 6:46pm
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Christmas Card - Birds
Category: > Other
Description: No Artist cited
12/13/22 at 9:08pm
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Halloween Ride
Category: > 3D and CG
Description: None
10/30/22 at 2:55am
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Luminous Pumpkin
Category: > 3D and CG
Description: None
10/30/22 at 2:52am
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Purple and Rd Fireworks
Category: > 3D and CG
Description: Created from my digital photo collection
8/15/22 at 1:42am
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Red Fireworks
Category: > 3D and CG
Description: Created from my digital photo collection
8/15/22 at 1:39am
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Snowberries
Category: > 3D and CG
Description: crafted from my digital photo collection
8/15/22 at 1:36am
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Happy Mother's Day
Category: > Other
Description: cat-kitten artist unknown
5/8/22 at 4:54pm
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Mother's Quotes
Category: > Other
Description: None
5/8/22 at 4:51pm
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Happy Easter
Category: > Other
Description: None
4/16/22 at 9:50pm
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Bunny Ears
Category: > Other
Description: None
4/16/22 at 9:47pm
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Happy Easter
Category: > Other
Description: None
4/15/22 at 1:22am
ittypb uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Merry Christmas Deer
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Description: None
12/23/21 at 2:15am
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