Hi everyone! We're hard at work trying to keep our community clean, so if you see any spam, please report it here and we'll review ASAP! Thanks a million!
HEY EVERYONE: My front page profile is now updated! Yay!!!! Thanks to DN coders working to fix the functionalities that went down since DN was attacked in April 2015...Kudos, DN!
[UPDATE: JUNE 28, 2015: Thanks to DN and the real people behind it who are at work restoring the functionalities.
I*ll be waiting for the day when I can see all the pics in my post. So far, only the dreamies.de pics show...the DN wallpapers don*t show at all in my posts in this journal...this means that the external links to pics work but the internal links for images do not.
It*s okay, we can wait. I understand that DN was under a very fierce attack from a destructive program and I*m very glad that many functionalities have been restored...including the ability to update one*s profile! Yippeeeeee!!!!!!]
[UPDATE JUNE 30, 2015: Hello...I actually have an issue wherein my wallpaper GIRL THINKING WHILE HOLDING HIGH-TECH WEAPONRY does not show among my entire wallpaper uploads collection. The thing is set to a limit of 17 pages, so that no matter how many wallpapers I add, my total pages remain at 17, and the other wallpapers disappear. Like I said on the wallpaper description section, other members* pages total 69 or HUNDREDS while mine is fixed at 17. I hope DN fixes this bug...]
This place for a post has evolved, and I do believe that the best use of this spot is to comment a little about the gladness in my heart one memorable day in my life...I had to cut it short though...Too much of everything is...uhm....no, not poison...uhm...*overly gushy*, I think...
UPDATE: JUNE 15, 2015: The gushy romantic feelings as if I were a schoolgirl...I actually removed the long article. You read the thing here?....about the question they were all asked (on June 6, 2015) about who would remain a bachelor the longest??? The look on his face was priceless. The big smile on his face, the wonderful look in his beautiful eyes, and me drinking it all in, feeling the moment...He actually looked around, then at his friends, ready to point at one of them...He looked relaxed, glad and eager for more questions of the same nature...here I go again...okay I won*t tell of my hidden electric feelings during those moments (Some of my enemies said, "Screw your electric feelings!! Love is not a feeling, it*s a decision!!!!! LOVE IS A DECISION, NOT A FEELING!!!!!!!!!!!!") (...uhm...Okay...) (Love might become a decision later, but first it has to be a feeling for someone, okay?) I think there were 800 words in that article describing my feelings for that day, oh my gosh. Pardonnez moi...You won*t see that article here ever again ....If you ever see it again, it will be in some hidden blog...if you ever find it hahaha...it*s overly gushy...
Note: The original article here was my DN announcement that I have accepted the love of my green-eyed best friend on May 27th, 2015 (making him my official hot-and-sexy gorgeous boyfriend for some time). However, the truth was that we broke up on June 13th so I decided to do a mixed post about the break-up AND my positive feelings about the time they were asked about "that thing" (which I never wrote about before). And two days later, I asked myself what I was sounding so gushy for, when I*ve just been through a wrenching break-up!
But great days are great days forever, these are the moments that would last forever. I decided to share what was probably one of the days in my life that brought me one of my highest highs, courtesy of my then-bf (green-eyed and sexy)...it was he who gave that day to me...he was just so perfect, my goodness, anyway he*s always perfect...here I go again...
When I lost my DN crush/boyfriend, my dearest friends here on DN, Melissa and Inspi, consoled me.
And guys (the group of five), you know who you are, thank you for every kindness you have shown, for singing well and sharing with me your art, you are remarkable, warm friends I have met along life*s way.
Kreuzigung by Meister der Schule von Nowgorod [URL=http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1961535/][/URL] THE CRUCUFIXION (Greek Catholic Church icon)
Curiously enough, the Roman Catholic Church, coinciding with the beginning of the Protestant era, started portraying Jesus Christ as a white man, likewise His mother Mary and the 12 Apostles.
To be fair to the Roman Catholic Church, this change in icons, this SUDDEN departure from truthful iconography hints not of inherent evil or lying ways in that church but of INVASION or secret infiltration of non-Catholic personages (in other words, a secret invasion of representatives of secret societies, notably Luciferians) to destroy it from within, instead of from without.
Wait a minute...this is an ACCUSATION of secret societies! In later paragraphs, we will explore a WRITTEN declaration by Freemasonry (the main secret society that includes many branches/lodges) that they the Freemasons, by their own admission, have indeed been the hidden hand behind all the changes in the Roman Catholic Church.
Freemasonry has many versions written of its history, the one most widely accepted was that it was born or founded at about the same time that the Protestant religion was formed.
(Protestants are fond of correcting people saying theirs is not a religion, but this claim can easily be dismissed by pointing out that Protestants have not looked in the dictionary to check out what the word "religion" means...How can Protestantism not be a religion when it is a body spiritual beliefs and practices just like all other religions like Buddhism, Islam, Roman Catholic, Jewish etc.? It might be an EASIER religion to practice but it still is a religion for all intents and purposes, and by dictionary definition.)
Back to the Freemasons though: What could be the reason for ATTACKING the Roman Catholic Church BY SECRET INVASION/infiltration? The answer: By doing it THIS WAY (i.e. secretly):
1. The Luciferians would not look like evil religion-destroyers
2. The Roman Catholic Church would seem inherently evil in and of itself, thus: People would be brainwashed to hate it, and most importantly, NOT PRACTICE its IMITATION OF JESUS CHRIST, its true CENTRAL doctrine of getting to Heaven/The Spiritual-Physical Paradise.
Again, WHEN did this start happening, historically? It started at the same time as the beginning of the formal Protestant era, in the 1400*s. Provable FACT (it will be discussed below) about the Luciferians (or the real Satanists, as Freemasons are often called, because Freemasons worship Lucifer as their God of choice): In the late 1600*s the Luciferians/Freemasons issued a Grand Lodge magazine detailing a SCHEDULE for the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church just before The Entry of The New Millenium, said to be the Era of the Luciferian Representative, the Anti-Christ.
That the Roman Catholic Church was merely invaded and TAKEN OVER means that it is now DESTROYED. Yes, you read that right: The Roman Catholic Church as an institution no longer exists. It has been destroyed. HOW? By the CHANGE of EVERYTHING in it, through new unjust laws the General Instructions born from the Vatican II Council Documents as well as the New Code of Canon Law and the unjust ratification of new liturgical forms and practices): for example, the effective elimination of the long-standing truly-Catholic Mass.
The NEW Catholic Mass was composed by 6 Protestant ministers, not Catholic, and was ratified by Pope Paul VI, who can be considered one of the 8 non-Catholic popes since the death of Pope Pius X. The New Catholic Mass, called "Novus Ordo Missae 1969" is NOT a Catholic Mass at all but a Protestant one.
Proof? The many praises from Protestant ministers and The World Council of Churches, saying, in effect that "Through this New Mass, the Roman Catholic Church has at last removed the barrier between itself and the Protestants." Plus let us not forget that the present "Roman Catholic" Mass was composed by 6 Protestant ministers and NOT ONE Catholic saint or priest!
In many of the Greek Catholic Church or Greek Orthodox Church icons, the emphasis is not on the physically accurate portrayal of Jesus Christ*s humanity (as is the emphasis of Roman Catholic Church images), but on His Divinity. Hence, there is less focus on anatomical realism but more on the event portrayed itself.
Also another characteristic of Greek Catholic Church or Greek Orthodox Church icons/iconography is that Jesus is black, because the true Jews are black...dark skinned with curly black hair.
Kreuzigung by Meister der Schule von Nowgorod [URL=http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1961535/][/URL] THE CRUCUFIXION (Greek Catholic Church icon)
You must be wondering what all this nit-picking about the Protestant Mass versus the Catholic Mass is about, the distinction between the contents of a Protestant Mass (Anglican/Cranmerian, Lutheran etc.) and a Catholic Mass (Gallic, Tridentine etc.).
The main difference is what is TAUGHT and therefore BELIEVED and PRACTICED IN LIFE in these masses.
In the Protestant Mass, what is taught is that: Jesus Died for ALL and all are saved IF the Blood of Jesus is CLAIMED (Accepting Jesus Christ as one*s Lord and Savior/Faith is SUFFICIENT TO SAVE someone).
In the REAL(!) Roman Catholic Mass (not the fake one), what is taught is that ALTHOUGH Jesus Christ died for ALL, ONLY THOSE who IMITATE the Master will enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Imitating Jesus Christ, following Him by doing good works as He had done {feeding the poor, healing the sick} and even following the Master in preferring to be crucified and criticized rather than tell a lie).(In other words, all-out following of His example).
So?? Well, it matters to know HOW one can get to this place called Heaven, HOW one can be saved:
1. Is it through faith in Jesus Christ alone? The Protestants say YES to that.
2. Or is it what the Catholics say, "Faith without works is dead {Without good works, one*s faith is dead or non-existent, therefore the person is NOT saved...there*s no faith at all}." (Letter of James, New Testament) To gain Eternal Life, "You must deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Me." (Gospel of Matthew, New Testament) Those passages in the Bible do not speak of relying on Faith alone to gain Eternal Life and that*s the issue of conflict with Protestantism.
IT MATTERS what KIND of Mass you pray, Protestant or Catholic. IT MATTERS which METHOD you believe in and USE to gain Eternal Life/Heaven/Salvation, Protestant or Catholic.
So without insisting which side is right, Catholics AT LEAST NEED TO KNOW that the new generation, the Neo-Catholicism (of the Vatican 2 Council changes), the Roman Catholic Church RIGHT NOW is ACTUALLY Protestantism. They need to be told the truth, because they deserve to HAVE A CHOICE of which teaching of salvation to believe in.
The fact that the Holy Mass was effectively destroyed by Pope Paul VI in 1969, forcing Catholics to bid goodbye to the old teachings on being saved, a Freemasonic/Luciferian PLANNED CHANGE, opens up a can of worms of the connection between Protestantism and Freemasonry, but that is not the subject of this article.
In Part 3 we discuss how it was proven that Freemasons/Luciferians actually destroyed the Roman Catholic Church. Can we just accuse the Freemasons without a factual basis?
Kreuzigung by Meister der Schule von Nowgorod [URL=http://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1961535/][/URL] THE CRUCUFIXION (Greek Catholic Church icon)
Roman Catholics do not even know this! They believed the lies that were told to them: The laws were changed, the Catholic catechism (the body of Catholic teachings) was changed, the prayers were changed, the conduct and clothing of priests and nuns have changed, the parish church appearance has changed now (resembling masonic temples) but "This is still the Roman Catholic Church." So change everything, even the teachings, slowly over the years, and it still must be called Roman Catholic??
The truth is more painful for Roman Catholics to swallow: Their church has been destroyed by the Luciferians, who are now running the show; and STILL the Roman Catholics are asleep, and they STILL believe the lie that their church is STILL Catholic/STILL the SAME Roman Catholic Church. How blind can people be, when EVERYTHING (but the claims of being Catholic) in that church is NO LONGER CATHOLIC and yet, "The bishop (or the Parish Priest) says we are still CALLED Catholics, therefore this is still the Roman Catholic Church."
Actually, the question to ask Catholics, after hearing a statement like that is, "Will you still believe your bishop, knowing he is a registered Freemason? Would you still believe Pope Francis like you believed Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II, hen all three are registered Freemasons?
These Freemasonic popes deceitfully entered and unlawfully trained for the priesthood in order to DECEIVE Catholics once they*ve reached positions of authority.
In what ways have they deceived and continue to deceive Catholics? Answer: For example,
1. As already mentioned, deceiving Catholics that the Mass they*re praying STILL teaches and proclaims Catholic doctrine, not Protestant;
2. That STOPPING attempts to convert others to the Church of Jesus Christ is actually "pleasing to God" in this "Age of Tolerance"
3. The Doctrine of Divine Mercy, leading Catholics to believe that God will find ways to bring bad people into Heaven because of His Great "Mercy" (!!?)...so: No more good works and imitating Jesus, folks!!
3. That all religions and beliefs bring people to Heaven anyway (this is so masonic and very United-Nations-like) (The United Nations has been condemned by God in the Bible!) and other such freemasonic/masonic ideas...those and THOUSANDS of other deceptions...
Is the NAME Catholic sufficient proof that this church is STILL Catholic?
The CONSOLING THOUGHT about this historical fact is that Luciferians will NEVER TARGET what is agreeable to Satan; but only what is opposed to the teachings of Satan/Lucifer.
The fact that the Freemasons have openly stated in their magazine that the reason Freemasonry was established was "To completely destroy the Roman Catholic Church of Jesus Christ in 300 years, from within" SPEAKS WELL OF what the OLD and TRUE Roman Catholic Church stood for and taught about 1. salvation and 2. escaping the clutches of the devil.
The magazine article was dated in the late 1600*s, hence their target destruction date, as per this 1600*s article was 1969 or thereabouts, right on target (copies are available!! shocking, isn*t it, that you could actually get copies of this Grand Lodge magazine article where Freemasons openly admit of their plan, and WHICH CHURCH of Jesus Christ they wanted destroyed!).
[Speaking of churches of Jesus Christ, the Mormon Church, formally known as The Church Of Jesus Christ Of The Latter Day Saints is supported by the Luciferians. This is not to say the we can point to individual Mormons as evil; ONLY that its founder, Joseph Smith was a registered {with ID number} 33rd degree Freemason/Luciferian. Therefore? NOT ALL churches of Jesus Christ are targetted for attacks by the Freemasons/Luciferians.]
The Greek Catholic Church or Greek Orthodox Church icon presented here, which is a truthful depiction of Jesus Christ, is also eye-opening: As we note that it wasn*t targetted (I prefer the old spelling) for attack by Luciferians AS MUCH AS the Roman Catholic Church was (1. secretly and later, 2. publicly through defamation.)
All non-Luciferian churches are targetted by Luciferians (to pave the way for a one-religion world, a world that worships ONLY Lucifer), with the Roman Catholic Church declared as Lucifer*s biggest enemy: It must be gotten out of the way, before they usher in reign of the Anti-Christ.
This is an article I confidently wrote, because the Freemasons/Luciferians HAVE NOT HIDDEN THE FACT of their aim to DESTROY their BIGGEST obstacle to world domination: the Roman Catholic Church of Jesus Christ...yes the OLD, non-invaded one, the one that produced the REAL saints (NOT Saint John Paul II!! NOT Saint Faustina Kowalska!) with real super-powers from God.
UPDATE: JUNE 13, 2015 It*s what everybody feels when they lose a great love...and if the love you lost was the greatest love ever, you might possibly never love again...although, time heals all wounds....and you pick up the pieces from there...
Yeah well, for those looking for my post entitled, "The Measure of a Man": It*s in a March 12 entry. It was my post on the ambivalence of my DN crush, and it got me thinking what the true measure of a man really was.
My post "Who is the sexiest man on Earth??" is on a February 18th page. Notice that it*s a few days after Valentine*s Day 2015.
These two posts talk of GENERAL THINGS ABOUT MEN (yet my crush at the time of their writing was my DN crush and I mentioned that). They talk about my criteria for choosing a man and what his place would be in my life.
Of course both posts were spurred on by thoughts of my DN crush, whom I was fast losing because of the pressure applied on him by the mother of his two babies, his live-in partner (I always say this, and I*ll say it again: I didn*t know that he had a girlfriend, okay...). Yes, I*m giving an introduction right here so people would know what my situation was at the time I wrote those two posts.
It was during these days that I reflected on these matters because I wanted to guide myself on how to choose a man I could eventually be with.
My ex-DN-crush is very different from my green-eyed...uhm...crush (okay, I admit it...we broke up but that super-sexy green-eyed man is my crush, still!!) (my one and only panties-down-the-floor-inducing crush).
It goes without saying though (yet I say it haha) that whoever is my crush MUST BE/SHOULD BE Hot and Sexy at the very least. That distinguishes the guy I crush on (at any given point in time) from the rest of the men in the world who I DON*T crush on.
And you can read somewhere in this journal that whoever is my LATEST/LAST crush is ALSO the GREATEST one and I have an explanation as to WHY. (Just read it). Well obviously, WHOEVER is THE ULTIMATE LAST GUY is the guy I actually settle down with, so how can anyone be greater than that guy, whoever he will be?? (At this point, we don*t know who it is yet!)
About The Sexiest man on Earth...IS THIS an UPDATE too?
Yes I believe it is!!! The sexiest man on Earth SO FAR, as of the date of this writing (see above) is none other than My Green-Eyed Crush!
In my post of February 18th dealing who the sexiest man on Earth would be, you can see my further comments "in general". (By the way, since I have considered him my best friend for a long time, I would sometimes mention him in my earlier posts, when the guy on DN was still my crush.)
Little did I know that the guy I was expecting to be a teenage boy forever (I had that mindset back then) would grow up so fast to turn out to be the manliest man I have ever seen on this Earth!
Hey I said almost everything here, no need to go to the posts mentioned....No one*s stopping you from going there however...
THREE THINGS are on my mind, that have been a cause of so much misunderstanding before...when I had a boyfriend...and my enemies just could get in enough bad things to say about me.
So what I meant to say was these things could surface again because some issues have already been presented publicly about me again...All I can say about that is that Jesus had lots of enemies too (haters, actually) so what else is new under the sun?
We all do certain things we*ve always done before...yet somehow our loved one sees it differently, as if it were a rejection or something...or something not good...
Here are things I do that could certainly be misinterpreted...and I sure hope I change (regarding this first item, smiling)...because I think the point of love is that we become better for the other person...
Anyway, my enemies refuse to stop trying to ruin my life, so they are so responsible for spreading the misunderstanding that*s been around from way back (when they first started spreading misinformation and rumours).
1. When I wake up I don*t smile. What*s wrong with that? And I NEVER WAS the smiling kind of girl anyway...I always frown and that means love! Hahahaha!!
I actually became well-known PARTLY because of a photo of me SMILING, imagine that! So ironic!
My tendency now is to correct myself...indeed, why won*t I smile? I*ll give it a try...
Also, my son says I*m the Smiling Mum...whatever gave him that notion?
"Well," he would say, "everytime I look at you, you*re smiling, as if you have a very beautiful secret!!"
To me that*s odd because everybody says I don*t smile enough!
Still, the MEMORY of the man I*m secretly in love with right now (well they say it*s so obvious...how can this be a secret?) TYPICALLY SHOULD bring a smile to my face...
This is SUCH a big issue with a boyfriend or someone who has the first rights of claiming you (yeah I*m referring to "him" my green-eyed crush)...I*m not saying he has complained...But men love to see women smiling, and I*m just not that kind! Time to change, I guess.
2. When a relative comes to town, I sometimes visit and/or sleep overnight...and rumors would be spread by my enemies...they always say I met with a strange man who was not my boyfriend...and they say this to provoke jealousy or bad thoughts...
Well, fact is, three streets away there stands the big house of my cousin and all our relatives sleep there when they arrive from overseas...Two particular relatives want me to sleep over...My aunt who took care of me when I was little (I call her Mommy/Nanay) and my female cousin who*s my age...The rest of my relatives I merely visit...
Anyway, this thing caused too many controversies in the past...and my female cousin is arriving soon...I might or might not sleep over. I wonder if there would be disastrous rumors again...hope not...
3. When I*m so shy, I do hide my posts or transfer them to other places...and the man I love might see that as me having changed my mind about him, like, why is she hiding those praises now...doesn*t she feel that way about me anymore?
(No, it*s not that My Darling, My Super-Sexy and Gorgeous Hunk...I*m just being shy, that*s all...And if you look hard enough, you*ll find them again, I mean, if you ever saw them in the first place...*shy* if you*ve seen them, especially the french thingy...)
The question would now be: If you really think these three things are sources of misunderstanding WHY NOT CHANGE ALL THREE SITUATIONS to prevent ANY misunderstanding?
Well, first of all, this is ME, I really don*t smile much (I want to change that though), my relatives really DO visit and WANT me to sleep over SOMETIMES, and I really am SHY.
Sometimes so shy that I run away from a hunky sexy guy (used to do that when I was a teenager) and now I*m so embarrassed at the thought that my crush would find some outpourings of love here and there...
(Well particularly the french-language thingy wherein I actually called him My Ultra Handsome Boyfriend, but in french, so it*s particularly romantic, you know what I*m saying? (No?)...The thing makes me shy, so I hid it...yeah, it*s not rational...neither is being scared of this and that...it*s almost like a compliment when I run away from someone hehe...quirky me.)
Yes, when we love someone, we accept everything about them no matter how odd...but it*s a give-and-take thing.
First we try to change what we can about ourselves as hard as we could...and the things we cannot change, well, let*s just accept that there are certain things we cannot change and live with that.
With lovers, we weigh things...There are certain things they do to us that are a no-go...we decide we can*t live under those conditions...and we separate from someone. Likewise, we decide we cannot live without certain things done to us, and this makes us decide we don*t ever want to live life without those things....and this makes us realize we want someone in our lives for certain...possibly forever.
Anyway, I had to write about those three potential sources of misunderstanding...I*ll try to change when or if I could, and if it doesn*t work, then it*s either acceptance by a loved one or the loss of a loved one all over again...
Again, such is life...we can*t control everything...storms come, can we weather them all? Should we? Would we?