Full Name: | Amy Pink Glass | | Last Login: | 8/21/16 | Join Date: | 7/5/15 | Profile Views: | 10,142 |
My Website: | http://my.desktopnexus.com/amypinkglass | | About Me: | I'm old (50 plus ).
I homeschooled my son because I decided he was too young to be exposed to bullies and all that.
Now we read in major websites that "parents who homeschool their children may be poisoning their minds, with racism, misogyny, and extremism...."....what crap!
Grade school has the unfortunate tendency to inculcate certain things repeatedly into a child's head: "the earth is ball-shaped, it's spinning so fast but we don't feel it, if it's written down in a book or you see it in the news it's true, government is only after everyone's well-being even if it consented to oil deregulation..."....in other words, it brainwashes kids who are then unable to question if all this is real or not.
I homeschooled my child ALSO because I decided kids in grade school are just too young to be exposed to that kind of brainwashing. I'm all for independent thinking, critical thinking, analysis and most of all, freedom of thought and speech.
I'm a blogger they called The Rebel many times....but I stand for Freedom of Speech
I say things with certainty that somehow end up going against the prevailing establishment like the government and most of the mainstream media, (well, they HAVE TO STOP lying to us about so-called ''facts'', that's for sure) but my statements are the opposite of what they say because I want to say the truth -
FOR EXAMPLE, about climate change (There's NO climate change problem, only a weather machine composed of billion-watt electricity vertical generator posts 25 feet apart spanning acres and acres-THAT CAN CHANGE THE WEATHER. It's called HAARP - High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program....oh I can say loads about it!) (and you can research on your own too) and you can visit it in Alaska! They won't let you in but so what. They won't tell you what it's for either. Actually, it was built for war advantage because they noticed that Hitler lost battles fought in icy weather)...and about MANY more hidden truths.
By the way, Hitler was a GOOD guy, so waay good that you could call him a saint.
Goes against most of what they're saying to us, right?
Watch out for my blogs on these interesting, well-researched subjects.
I have friends and sympathisers on the net to help spread the truth. I'm not the only one concerned about the fact that we're being lied to mostly.
Yes, my enemies DO attack my reputation. What's new...
Past updates:
(Though it's all behind us now, there's that story-telling component still in our lives; and in my case, I have a blog (or have blogs), in which case, it ain't over as long as a portion of a story can be the topic of a blog post.)
Yes, I do have an autobiographical blog - hey, everybody needs one (!!!) (just kidding). It's where people can check my take on the official version of the events in my life. How reliable is this??? Well I'll try my best to be as accurate as possible in my recall of the facts in each event. THEN people can check with the actual witnesses on the scene. They may or may not agree with my version, which to me is the official one because it's MY life afterall; but we're more or less placing great stock on my reliability as a blogger. Actually, people are divided into friends, enemies and people who couldn't care less because they don't know us. We can easily guess what the reaction of friends will be (they trust us), what form the comments of our enemies would be in (they'd rather believe the trashiest version of an event than dig in/work for the truth)...and people who don't know us...they will be VERY silent! In any case, people can either stop reading my autobiography if they don't like it, or they can put out their OWN version of MY life. It's a free world.
[Update: My enemies are quick to respond with venom: They have a story wherein Harry married me and then murdered me because I got too old and ugly! {their not-so-secret wish!} Wow, keep it coming, because it just might happen to the story-tellers themselves (!!!)- ...you know...KARMA and all...(the genuine Buddhist religion Karma and not some stupid non-religious karma stuff on the net y'all...) ...Hahaha! KARMA...really??? Yes, of course!]
WHERE THEY ARE: The UPDATES are in the usual places, even in the Welcome message of Umbrella Girl by Apple Mayflowers.
(There are 7 updates in the Welcome page - the updates on this particular page are all about Harry and me - and I think all my regular readers have read those already.)
ON THE IMPORTANCE OF WRITING ANONYMOUSLY: There are no last names in my updates. Even if you think you know me and my best friend, I still will assume you don't really know who we are. Audiences knowing people personally would take the fun out of online diary updates (unless they're really, really close to us...in which case, many of them know most of this already). Pleasant interested people, I consider "online friends" because they're friendly. Nasty commenters are of course called trolls by everyone.
On Updates:
You will be updated on the latest.
Some people say, "Who cares?" Well, it's just a small community, if you will (the world), of people wanting to know things.
*Who is this amypinkglass person??
Answer: Just some girl ... | |
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