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Journal for emma999Journal for emma999
Journal 17. (2021)

Earth Stars - where are they?_COLM GIBNEY

Fingerprints of Tartaria (Cathedral Machines)



Atlantis is not a specific island that had disappeared under the sea in some mysterious location. It was a one continent, one world, one language and one architectural style everywhere. The land was not separated by the oceans. It was a one continent. We know it as Pangaea but to them it was Atlantis (meaning; a land surrounded by waters). Atlantis society was organized by the angels who came down from Heaven and were noticing beautiful women of man. Those they liked they took as their wives and had children with them. These children, who were mighty men of old and giants, were also used to help in building these huge palaces hence, giant books,instruments, huge doors, etc.

The world of Atlantis was not a happy place to live in, not for humans. It was a world full of violence and terror of all kinds. God was watching all this and decided to put a stop to it by destroying all life on earth except for Noah and his family. He opened up the heavens and it rained for forty days and nights until all Earth was well flooded over. All life, humans, land animals and birds died in a flood except for what was with Noah in the ark. The fallen angels who had taken human bodies died in a sense that they could not save themselves from the flood but their spirit bodies survived. After the flood, there were still giants born to men but in much smaller numbers. Perhaps, some of the wives of Noah\'s sons had carried a gene of an angelic DNA in them. When the flood waters receded Atlantis broke off into pieces that gradually drifted away from each other and are the continents we know today. It\'s very likely that some island near the Gibraltar did sink to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean after this event of separation and that story is what Plato mistakenly referred to as Atlantis. Perhaps, people just didn\'t know the whole story of it.

Napoleon Wars were also highly strange, and were very likely wars fought over the riches of Atlantis and its technologies such as free electricity power generators or, even nuclear weapons. Russians were quick to burn Moscow down probably so that it would not fall into Napoleon\'s hands and give him a militaristic advantage. Perhaps, Russians had the last of these weapons of mass destruction.

In preflood times of Noah\'s day, Earth was covered by clouds all the time and sun was not visible to them. Earth enjoyed the same mild temperatures all over the globe. This is also why fire places in the gothic buildings that are salvaged from preflood times were found ornamented with flammable materials like wood, paintings and priceless cloth and textiles inside the fire place cavity.

When Noah\'s descendants finally had reached these magnificent palace-like buildings and abandoned cities, they naturally moved into them and reclaimed it as their own. This was all right because if God did not want that, he would have destroyed it all and we would never know what preflood world was like. The weather was now very different to what it use to be and they needed fires to keep them warm. This could be why many of these building got burned down. The chimneys were not build to cope with the heat of burning logs and coal because they were systems made for air ventilation. Windows, as magnificent as they were on these buildings, could not be opened and served only a purpose of letting light into the building so, you needed something to keep the air ventilation going.

Mud-flooded buildings are just that, buildings from Atlantis days that got partially buried by the silt and sand of the Great Flood. Gargoyles and griffins we still see on many gothic buildings are representations of real hybrid creatures, created by the fallen who knew how DNA works and were playing gods. The creatures were probably used as watch dogs to terrify and deter unwanted humans from spying on them and to show who was the boss in that world. Frightful creatures and giants told to us in fairy tales and other children stories (i.e. Jack and the bean stalk), trees of gigantic size that reached to the clouds..., and other events of folklore, myths and legends, (fairies, mermaids, little people..), all existed during this early epoch of human history that lasted a little over 1,000 years. Did any of them survive the flood? Hard to know but, many testimonies exist of people seeing such creatures well into our modern times.

Mud Flood - Mansions of the Gilded Age - Another Look

Tartaria - Territory or Empire

The Canadian Parliament Building - Burnt and Rebuilt

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