Full Name: | Michael | Location: | Cape Cod, Ma. | Occupation: | I help feed people in need, I love what I do, we make a difference Operations Manager, Accounting, Consulting, | Birthday: | December 23rd | | Last Login: | 4/23/24 | Join Date: | 4/8/09 | Profile Views: | 10,108 |
About Me: | I love graphic arts, photography, colorized images, I work and live on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. I am becoming greener by the day...
I used to run an evil empire bent on world domination.
................. Harmonic Convergence.....................
Imagine your standing in the middle of a symphony hall. The conductor, leading all the players, each instrument balanced coming together to form one perfect melody. After awhile you notice the music becoming lost, confused, the players no longer playing from the same page. As the music becomes more and more erratic, the noise becomes louder and louder. Soon all that can be heard is noise. You become confused, can’t understand what’s happening, you feel alone, isolated, unheard. You scream and scream and still the noise grows … Then slowly you realize you can’t stop them all at once. Each one a part of the whole has to be brought back into harmony. The clarity of the music returned one part at a time. You struggle with each piece of the orchestra trying to find its place. Until at last you begin to hear the music softly reemerging growing stronger and stronger louder and louder until it explodes in a cascade of sound and light in a harmonic convergence…
| | Interests: | Rollar Bladeing, Boating, Tennis, Scuba Diving, skiing (i never get to ski anymore) Writing, Reading, Theater, I love to sail
| | Favorite Music: | "All of us dream but not equally,those who dream by night but never truly seeing anything ...wake in the day to find it was vanity, but the dreamers of the day are truly alive for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make all possible."
Fear and ego kill so many people who don't even know there dead... We create and are responsible for our own destiny...
| | Favorite Books: | 1632, She Come Undone, The Stand, The Time Travelers Wife, Team of Rivals, Dune, Calculating God & Craig Alanson books "go skippy," Host, Outlander
John Adams, A Few More Demons
1984, Why We Love, Fire Starter | | Favorite Movies: | Avatar, Shawshank Redemption,
Armageddon, Sixteen Candles,
Forrest Gump, Dune, | | Favorite TV Shows: | Lost, Battlestar Galactica, House, Weeds, 1883, Game of Throne's, Big Bang Theory, The last of us, Outlander, Wanda Vision | Favorite Quotes: | “Life is like a Riverâ€
When I was 18 I saw my life like a river flowing forward. Moving on a certain path following a certain direction, in the end arriving at the ocean with everything id gathered along the way. A house with a white picket fence, 2.5 kids a dog named Bob... Now with the benefit of time, hindsight and quite a few lumps, I still think life is like a river. A wild river with twists and turns and rapids, I lost some friends along the way, you turn around and there gone. I lost a wife at a junction where we parted looking back I’m still not certain why??? Along the way I had a son, he centers me in my boat, no matter how rough the waters become. He smiles all the time and uses words like joyous and love... For awhile we floated along searching wanting so badly to find the calm waters. A daughter is born she fills our boat with love and hope just as Alex begins to float away on his own journey. The boat seems alone sometimes and dark with cold water and rocks on all sides. Lilly is the light keeping me off the rocks, so much love... So many people drown trying to make down or get hurt so badly they don't or won't go on... "Life is like a river"
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