| Anyone have strange PM alerts recently for messages that aren't there?
We've received reports from a number of people who have been bugged by the "You have X new PMs." popup, when they are all read or deleted.
This was an obscure bug that we traced to a PM being deleted before it was read. The problem has now been fixed. 
If you continue to have any more problems, please tell myself or one of the moderators.
Thanks! |
| Happy Valentines Day!
In Desktop Nexus news... I just finished an upgrade to the search functionality that should speed up result gathering by over 20x. Do you notice a big difference in the search results load time? What do you think? |
| Congratulations on hearing back from Nintendo! I'm sure it was very rewarding to see such a large company take the time to respond to your individual idea. You sound very inspired by this... if you can maintain that passionate drive through your future endeavors, you will go far. Best of luck! |
| Desktop Nexus has over 700 new wallpapers uploaded every day. It's near impossible for us to moderate all of them, so we rely heavily on the community to use the "Report This Wallpaper" button when they feel an image is in violation. As such, a number of wallpapers get reported and removed, and a number slip through the cracks. There are wallpapers on Desktop Nexus at any given time that are in violation of the site's rules, but just haven't been discovered yet by the moderation team. If you find a wallpaper that you feel is in violation, please report it and we will review it within a few days (depending on the current backlog).
When a wallpaper gets deleted, sometimes the uploader gets very vocal about their objections. The most common negative response we receive is "But the wallpaper #XYZ and #ABC are far worse than mine! You aren't being fair!" We understand this, and encourage you to focus all that energy into reporting the wallpapers you feel are worse. There's a good chance we just haven't seen them yet, but there's also a chance that our judgement is different than yours, and we felt your image was worse. It's nothing personal.
In the past week, we've also started a major crack-down on "suggestive" wallpapers. We're deleting images that have been on Desktop Nexus for years, and enforcing more strenuous requirements on new wallpapers being uploaded. We've even made some updates to the "Upload a Wallpaper" page to clarify a few rules and reinforce our anti-suggestive stance. Desktop Nexus is a family-friendly site and should be safe for any age group. Over the years our level of acceptance has broadened, and now it's time to pick up the slack and reassert our youth friendly claim.
So what is allowed on Desktop Nexus? The answer I've periodically used for this question is anything you would see on a traditional American (USA) beach is okay. Any wallpaper where the sole intention of the photo is to promote sexuality is inappropriate. This includes sexual or seductive poses, models dressed only in underwear/lingerie, and of course ANY nudity (including bare butts and animated images). The suggestive poses area becomes a bit of a judgement call, so there is a grey area that will just have to be accepted as our discretionary decision. Please respect that decision and we'll try to maintain equal criteria when evaluating all images. As far as nudity, we take a very rigid stand against it, and any violations will be met with our most swift and firm resolve.
The no underwear/lingerie policy is new (before the wallpapers were just judged simply on the pose and opacity of the cloth). As such, there currently are a lot of images on Desktop Nexus that need to be cleaned up. Until we get through them all, we appreciate your patience and understanding.
A few members have been up-in-arms regarding our recent crackdown. All I can ask is that you try to see our definition of family-friendly, and respect our efforts during this migration.
If you have any other perspectives, I'll of course hear and consider what everyone has to say, however I do feel quite strongly about this.
Thanks! |
| I just pushed an update to the Fan Activity Feed which should help control the massive amount of data that floods through that page. Now there is a green button in the top right corner entitled "Customize View". When you click it, you'll have the ability to filter exactly what you do and don't want to see in your feed.
By default, you now only see the Uploaded Wallpapers, Favorite Wallpapers, and Journal Posts of members that you're a fan of. This way, if you enjoy a member's work or style, you can fan them, then follow your feed daily to easily see when they upload a new wallpaper (without the hassle of having to manually visit all your favorite members' profiles every day). If are on Desktop Nexus all the time, checking your feed constantly, you may be able to handle more information... so the Customize View button will allow you to open the flood gates.

What do you think of this change? I would really appreciate some feedback! 
(If you haven't used your journal yet, posting your feedback on this update might be a good opportunity to try it out!) |
| You may notice, I've made a few updates to the Private Messaging system tonight.
Most are minor (small bug fixed, glitches, etc), and a lot of the work was backend-related, however the most noticeable difference is now unread messages are more visible. If you have an unread PM, in addition to the subject appearing in bold, there's now an orange envelope icon beside it. After the message is read, the envelope and emphasized font are removed.

What do you think? |
| So I've finally caught up on my PMs. Some people received responses to messages they sent me a long time ago. If yours slipped through the cracks and you didn't get a response from me, shoot me another message and I'll definitely respond. (sorry!)
I'm going to try and stay on top of my inbox now, and not let it build up like it did before. Ugh. |
| Okay, I believe I've tracked down and fixed a few bugs in the My Account system, experienced by Internet Explorer users on Windows machines. Among those fixed are issues with saving your birthday in the Personal Information block of your profile, and the ability to change your avatar.
If you continue to have any more issues with the new developments on Desktop Nexus, please let me know.
And if you are an internet explorer user, I would definitely consider upgrading to either [URL=http://www.getfirefox.com]Firefox[/URL] or [URL=http://www.google.com/chrome/]Chrome[/URL] as your web browser. |
| What issues are you having with the avatars?
Can you not see them, or are you having an issue changing them?
Is anyone else having any avatar-related issues? |
| I recently realized no emails are going out when someone becomes a new fan of you. I've fixed this bug, and now you'll get the notification. If you're too popular and this gets annoying, you can of course disable this in your email notifications page:  http://my.desktopnexus.com/#emailNotifications
| Phantom PM AlertsAnyone have strange PM alerts recently for messages that aren't there? We've received reports from a number of people who have been bugged by the "You have X new PMs." popup, when they are all read or deleted.This was an obscure bug that we traced to a...Happy Valentines Day Everyone!Happy Valentines Day!In Desktop Nexus news... I just finished an upgrade to the search functionality that should speed up result gathering by over 20x. Do you notice a big difference in the search results load time? What do you think? ...Congratulations LegendOfFours!Congratulations on hearing back from Nintendo! I'm sure it was very rewarding to see such a large company take the time to respond to your individual idea. You sound very inspired by this... if you can maintain that passionate drive through your future...Wallpapers Removed for "Excessively Suggestive Content"Desktop Nexus has over 700 new wallpapers uploaded every day. It's near impossible for us to moderate all of them, so we rely heavily on the community to use the "Report This Wallpaper" button when they feel an image is in violation. As such, a number ...Fan Activity Feed Updates!I just pushed an update to the Fan Activity Feed which should help control the massive amount of data that floods through that page. Now there is a green button in the top right corner entitled "Customize View". When you click it, you'll have the abili...Tweaking the Private Message SystemYou may notice, I've made a few updates to the Private Messaging system tonight.Most are minor (small bug fixed, glitches, etc), and a lot of the work was backend-related, however the most noticeable difference is now unread messages are more visible. I...Finally Caught Up on PMs!So I've finally caught up on my PMs. Some people received responses to messages they sent me a long time ago. If yours slipped through the cracks and you didn't get a response from me, shoot me another message and I'll definitely respond. (sorry!)I...Some Bug FixesOkay, I believe I've tracked down and fixed a few bugs in the My Account system, experienced by Internet Explorer users on Windows machines. Among those fixed are issues with saving your birthday in the Personal Information block of your profile, and th...Avatar Issues?What issues are you having with the avatars?Can you not see them, or are you having an issue changing them?Is anyone else having any avatar-related issues?...Fixed New Fan EmailsI recently realized no emails are going out when someone becomes a new fan of you. I've fixed this bug, and now you'll get the notification. If you're too popular and this gets annoying, you can of course disable this in your email notifications page...Easily Find Recent Journal Posts!Hi everyone. I posted this in the forum a few days ago, but it was buried pretty deep, so I'm not sure if many people saw it.There are a lot of journal entries being posted now, but unless you visit the profile of everyone individually, it's hard to fi...Just sent out this weekend's newsletter!Over the next 6-8 hours, nearly 30,000 happy people will be receiving an email with the most popular wallpapers from the past week on Desktop Nexus. I just pressed the big send button. And of course if you haven't signed up to receive the newsletter ye...Happy Thanksgiving!Happy Thanksgiving Desktop Nexus!Sorry the holiday logo today isn't very fancy... I tossed it up in a hurry. If anyone wants to take a stab at making a better logo, email it to me and I'll probably toss yours up instead. ...Private Messages on DN are PRIVATE!I just want to clearify... any private message you send on Desktop Nexus is absolutely private. There's no publishing them to your feeds, no tapping into them from other members, and not even moderators can read them.The only people who can read your pr...Launch Successful!It's been a very long night with tensions high. Tonight Desktop Nexus unveiled completely redesigned, redeveloped, updated, and improved (IMO) profiles! Many months of work went into these new systems, and it was exciting to finally go live with them.I...Follow-Up AnnouncementAnd if you missed the second announcement:New Profile System!If you have been a member of Desktop Nexus for a while, you'll notice we've recently undergone some big updates to the My Account and Profile system!Among the new features are:Fully revamped P...New Profile System - Welcome MessageHere's the welcome message for those who missed it:Welcome to Desktop Nexus!Thanks for joining our community! If you're eager to dive right into it, feel free to skip this welcome message by clicking the Close button in the top-right corner... otherwise...First Post!This is the first public post on the new DN Journal system!I know I should probably take some time and type up a nice long entry, but there are a lot of stats to watch and make sure the new profile system launch is a success.More updates later!... |