Hi everyone! We're hard at work trying to keep our community clean, so if you see any spam, please report it here and we'll review ASAP!  Thanks a million!
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Journal for komodoJournal for komodo
Desktop Nexus has over 700 new wallpapers uploaded every day. It's near impossible for us to moderate all of them, so we rely heavily on the community to use the "Report This Wallpaper" button when they feel an image is in violation. As such, a number of wallpapers get reported and removed, and a number slip through the cracks. There are wallpapers on Desktop Nexus at any given time that are in violation of the site's rules, but just haven't been discovered yet by the moderation team. If you find a wallpaper that you feel is in violation, please report it and we will review it within a few days (depending on the current backlog).

When a wallpaper gets deleted, sometimes the uploader gets very vocal about their objections. The most common negative response we receive is "But the wallpaper #XYZ and #ABC are far worse than mine! You aren't being fair!" We understand this, and encourage you to focus all that energy into reporting the wallpapers you feel are worse. There's a good chance we just haven't seen them yet, but there's also a chance that our judgement is different than yours, and we felt your image was worse. It's nothing personal.

In the past week, we've also started a major crack-down on "suggestive" wallpapers. We're deleting images that have been on Desktop Nexus for years, and enforcing more strenuous requirements on new wallpapers being uploaded. We've even made some updates to the "Upload a Wallpaper" page to clarify a few rules and reinforce our anti-suggestive stance. Desktop Nexus is a family-friendly site and should be safe for any age group. Over the years our level of acceptance has broadened, and now it's time to pick up the slack and reassert our youth friendly claim.

So what is allowed on Desktop Nexus? The answer I've periodically used for this question is anything you would see on a traditional American (USA) beach is okay. Any wallpaper where the sole intention of the photo is to promote sexuality is inappropriate. This includes sexual or seductive poses, models dressed only in underwear/lingerie, and of course ANY nudity (including bare butts and animated images). The suggestive poses area becomes a bit of a judgement call, so there is a grey area that will just have to be accepted as our discretionary decision. Please respect that decision and we'll try to maintain equal criteria when evaluating all images. As far as nudity, we take a very rigid stand against it, and any violations will be met with our most swift and firm resolve.

The no underwear/lingerie policy is new (before the wallpapers were just judged simply on the pose and opacity of the cloth). As such, there currently are a lot of images on Desktop Nexus that need to be cleaned up. Until we get through them all, we appreciate your patience and understanding.

A few members have been up-in-arms regarding our recent crackdown. All I can ask is that you try to see our definition of family-friendly, and respect our efforts during this migration.

If you have any other perspectives, I'll of course hear and consider what everyone has to say, however I do feel quite strongly about this.

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