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Journal for emma999Journal for emma999
Journal 16. 27/Jun/2021

\'Order out of chaos\' by Zen Garcia | Jul 13, 2020

"The times we are living now are being challenged, compromised by the hype of manufactured disease and orchestrated madness. This plandemic has forcefully shifted the peaceful notion of reality to which we were, just a few months ago, so used to awakening. Altered, things will never return to what was once a normal semblance of routine unchallenged by world chaos, plagues, and economic and financial uncertainty. Much of the world, previous to this time, held no concern or belief in what are derogatorily labeled conspiracy theories by government media liaisons and the bobble heads on TV. At least now the public has awakened to the fact that what is being regurgitated by them as news and current events holds no relation to what is truthful; the credibility that these sources once enjoyed without question has eroded so much that I doubt 20% of the population trusts anything that the so-called authorities have to say about any issue.


Frustration has replaced somber innocence and ignorance. While this movement is organic and fueled by true sentiment, the leaders of the various protest groups that are calling to action have no real understanding of the dynamics of controlled opposition, in which a false left-right paradigm—funded and controlled by the elites who finance both sides—has seized upon the opportunity of the moment and is directing the raw energy of the youth in forcing change to resulting bedlam, mayhem, riots, looting, and blood on the streets.

In the end, rather than social justice and positive civil change, we will consequentially have given the state just cause to establish rules by which to enforce police state measures, tyrannical crackdown, and a martial law solution to the problems of domestic terrorism. What most do not understand is that this movement has been unknowingly usurped by the elites, towards burning down the established order and fulfilling their age-old of commandeering order out of chaos.



Throughout history, secure ruling elites arise through secret, or occult, knowledge which they carefully guard and withhold from outsiders… Since real politics is motivated by individual self-interest, history is viewed most accurately as a struggle for power and wealth. We do our best to obscure this self-evident truth by popularizing the theory that history is made by the impersonal struggles between ideas, political systems, ideologies, races, and classes. Through systematic infiltration of all major intellectual, political, and ideological organizations, using the lure of financial support and instant publicity, we have been able to set the limits of public debate within the ideological requirements of our money power. The so-called Left-Right political spectrum is our creation. In fact, it accurately reflects our careful, artificial polarization of the population on phony issues that prevents the issue of our power from arising in their minds. The Left supports civil liberties and opposes economic or entrepreneurial liberty. The Right supports economic liberty and opposes civil liberty. Of course, neither can exist fully (which is our goal) without the other. We control the Right-Left conflict such that both forms of liberty are suppressed to the degree we require. Our own liberty rests not on legal or moral “rights,” but on our control of the government bureaucracy and courts which apply the complex, subjective regulations we dupe the public into supporting for our benefit.


Innumerable meaningless conflicts to divert the attention of the public from our operations find fertile ground in the bitter hatreds of the Right-Left imbroglio. Right and Left are irreconcilable on racial policy, treatment of criminals, law enforcement, pornography, foreign policy, women’s liberation, and censorship to name just a few issues. Although censorship in the name of “fairness” has been useful in broadcasting and may yet be required in journalism, we generally do not take sides in these issues. Instead we attempt to prolong the conflicts by supporting both sides as required. War, of course, is the ultimate diversionary conflict and the health of our system. War provides the perfect cover of emergency and crisis behind which we consolidate our power. Since nuclear war presents dangers even to us, more and more we have resorted to economic crisis, energy shortages, ecological hysteria, and managed political drama to fill the gap. Meaningless, brushfire wars, though, remain useful. We promote phony free-enterprise on the Right and phony democratic socialism on the Left. Thus, we obtain a “free-enterprise” whose “competition” is carefully regulated by the bureaucracy we control and whose nationalized enterprises are controlled directly through our government. In this way, we maintain a society in which the basis of our power, legal titles to property and money, remain secure, but in which the peril of free, unregulated competition is avoided and popular sovereignty is nullified. The democratic process is a sitting duck for our money power. Invariably we determine the candidates of the major parties and then proceed to pick the winners. Any attempts at campaign reforms simply put the rules of the game more firmly under our government’s control.


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