| The following article is a light, humorous angle on Flat Earth Theory. What do I think about it? Could Earth be flat? It actually could be. Why do I say this? Well, water always finds it\'s level and unless we\'ve been up there and seen it with our own eyes (not ISS but out of Earth\'s atmosphere completely), we can go only by what others say about it.
"The Next Level 2022 - Hibbeler Productions"._ from Martin Liedtke YT channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5teFRHfdOs
But we have NASA and tons of scientists, astronauts and other cartel from our past telling us that Earth is a globe. The whole astrophysics is based on that theory and they have ISS images of Earth to prove it. Except, ISS is stationed at LEO (low earth\'s orbit, about 400K up). At that altitude, it is pretty hard to see anything at all, because of the clouds and because you\'re not high enough to see it in all it\'s entirety. You\'d think that the sun would illuminate the whole region brilliantly and even stronger than what we can experience at our daytime, but you would be wrong thinking that. At 400 miles up, sun seems to shrink in size and resembles an ordinary star. So, where is the sun?
Why the Earth is actually 100% flat
Rapper B.o.B. has been criticised for publicly insisting the Earth is flat. You may think his claims are ludicrous, but the truth is: they don’t go far enough.
Rapper B.o.B. has caused a furore by tweeting that the Earth is in fact flat, and you only need to look at the evidence to come to the same conclusion. Obviously, prominent scientists have openly mocked this claim, showing the many ways in which it is ludicrous, no matter how many people insist otherwise. They’re right though; sadly. B.o.B. is wrong. His nonsense claims, such as the idea that Earth’s curvature should be visible at certain distances but isn’t, are just that: nonsense. His comments and insistent statements are little more than childish naivety. In truth, the conspiracy goes much, much deeper than that.
For example, the Earth really is flat. As in totally flat, like a sheet of glass. The definition of flat is “having a level surface; without raised areas or indentationsâ€. So how can you have tall buildings and mountains if the Earth is flat? You can’t. Q.E.D. It would be like saying a hedgehog is flat, which, barring an unfortunate encounter with a heavy goods vehicle, it clearly isn’t.
Some might take issue with this, based on the flimsy evidence that they can see buildings, hills, trees, mountains and things like that everywhere, and may even be in or on them right now. This is just another example of how blinkered people are. If you look closely, the clues are everywhere.
There’s no such thing as a mountain, they’re just optical illusions caused by light refracting off all the mind-altering chemicals in the air.
For instance, what’s the tallest supposed mountain on Earth? Everest. Except it isn’t. The name is a giveaway; it’s clearly a morphing of “never restâ€, because if you wanted to go to the biggest mountain you’d literally never rest, because it isn’t actually there. What about all those people who have climbed it, you say? Well, consider all the people who have died supposedly doing so. How do you die climbing something that isn’t there? You can’t. They were obviously killed to protect the conspiracy, whereas those who “survived†were willing to play ball.
And if that isn’t clear enough, pretty much everyone who attempts to climb Everest takes oxygen with them. Why would you do that when there’s oxygen all around us, in the air? Wherever they’re going, it isn’t on Earth. You know where you do need oxygen, though? THE MOON! That’s where they’re going. So-called mountaineers are being sent to the moon in order to fake climbing Everest. This is why Nasa had to fake the moon landing with astronauts, because it was already full of mountaineers and they couldn’t risk exposing that conspiracy. See how it all adds up?
Some might still object, because they’re currently sitting in a tall building. They’re not though, they only “think†they are. In truth, everyone is breathing in a potent mix of hallucinogens that are constantly in the air around us, and these cause us to perceive buildings and tall things where there are none. How did these hallucinogens get in the air? Well, that’s what chemtrails are actually for. |
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