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Wallpaper Comments by TheDoubleDWallpaper Comments by TheDoubleD

Comments Posted by TheDoubleD

TheDoubleD commented on the Other wallpaper Homeless Veterans.
Democrats love war because it puts money in their pockets, but have no concern for veterans of those wars.
11/19/24 at 11:19pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Flowers wallpaper Pink Roses.
10/4/24 at 12:22pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Birds wallpaper Swan with extended wings on the lake.
10/4/24 at 12:21pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Other wallpaper Good Question.
We can't!!!!!
10/4/24 at 12:18pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Other wallpaper Free Speech.
I look forward to the day that former President Donald Trump returns to the White House. He is the candidate standing in the way of total disaster to our American way of life. Kamala Harris' "New Way Forward" translates to "Communism."
10/4/24 at 11:55am
TheDoubleD commented on the Other wallpaper Liar.
Kamala Harris would not get away with telling her lies if people took the time to find out the truth. She also keeps repeating lies that have been completely debunked. But those who vote for democrats believe, without question, everything they are told by the Democrat Party (and that includes by the main stream media mob). We all know that weak people (no matter how well educated and from all backgrounds) are easily brainwashed into believing outright lies.
10/4/24 at 11:49am
TheDoubleD commented on the Other wallpaper Sweet Bluebirds Under a Umbrella.
9/21/24 at 5:40pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Other wallpaper Cuties.
Colorful, cute and cuddly!
9/21/24 at 3:33pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Lakes wallpaper St.Mary's Lake, Glacier N.P., Montana.
Home Sweet Home! Glacier is such a beautiful place and I'm so glad I live in the Treasure State of Montana.
9/8/24 at 2:57pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Lakes wallpaper House by a serene lake.
So beautiful and so serene.
9/8/24 at 2:55pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Birds wallpaper Blue jays Perched on a Branch.
What beauties!
9/8/24 at 2:52pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Sunsets wallpaper Sunset on the Devil's Tower, Wyoming.
9/8/24 at 2:50pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Sunsets wallpaper Summer Sunset.
9/8/24 at 2:48pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Lakes wallpaper Purple night.
Almost magical.
9/8/24 at 2:47pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Flowers wallpaper Magical night with bright purple flowers.
9/8/24 at 2:45pm
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Comments Received from Other Members

grandma_gingerbread commented on the Political wallpaper Biden's America - It's upside down.
Double D you are right on the mark. America will come together and stand tall once again as soon Biden and all his buddies are out of the picture. It cannot be soon enough
10/1/23 at 4:29pm
emma999 commented on the Political wallpaper Biden's America - It's upside down.
FAR-LEFT DEMOCRATS (POLITICIANS) ARE NOT THERE TO SAVE AMERICA, THEY'VE GOT ELECTED BY NAIVE, OVERLY TRUSTING, OR IGNORANT PEOPLE BECAUSE UNLESS YOU ARE MENTALLY RETARDED, YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO HAND OVER YOUR COUNTRY AND YOUR CURRENT FREEDOM TO SAY "NO" TO A REMOTE GROUP OF RICH PEOPLE WHO WANT TO SEE YOU DEAD COVID 19 PANDEMIC WAS CREATED TO BRING YOU DOWN AND TO CLEANSE THE WORLD FROM POOR WHO ARE SEEN BY ELITES AS DEAD-WEIGHTS TO THEM THAT'S WHY THEY STOPPED MEDS LIKE HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE FROM BEING USED ON PATIENTS WHO WERE DYING FROM THROMBOLYTIC COMPLICATIONS IN LUNGS, BRAIN, HEART AND KIDNEYS "An increasing number of evidence have reported the association of COVID-19 with increased incidence of thrombotic events. High incidences were initially reported in critically ill COVID-19 patients, but subsequently an increased incidence was also noticed in non-critically ill general ward patients. This has led to a universal recommendation of thromboprophylaxis for all COVID-19 patients by ASH and ISTH. As the data on COVID-19 and thrombosis continue to develop and evolve, we examined the data in two aspects. Firstly, other non-SARS-CoV-2 viral respiratory infections have also been reported to be associated with thrombotic events, be it arterial or venous. Thus, we aimed to compare the thrombotic rates between these two groups of patients directly to hopefully ascertain the actual thrombotic tendency in COVID-19 infections. Secondly, global hemostatic assays such as thromboelastogram and clot waveform analysis (CWA) have been used to demonstrate hypercoagulability in COVID-19 patients, albeit in a small group of patients and only in the critically ill. Incorporating these laboratory results into the management of thromboprophylaxis in COVID-19 is an attractive notion but more data and studies are definitely needed. Here, we evaluate the dynamic changes of hemostatic assays in patients with COVID-19 to better understand the overall coagulation profiles of COVID-19 infection."
11/18/22 at 6:26am
Sinic commented on the Political wallpaper John Fitzgerald Kennedy Quote.
And no need for two parties, evil vs. good or democrats vs. republicans! :D
5/17/22 at 8:19pm
Sinic commented on the Political wallpaper Biden's America - It's upside down.
Americans all lost when biden cheated and committed election fraud. Even the stupid democrats like Florida_veehee lol.. I'm so happy that democrats are paying the same price as us 'REAL' Americans! Waste your votes again on China Biden!
5/17/22 at 8:15pm
TheDoubleD commented on the Political wallpaper Biden's America - It's upside down.
America was as perfect as it could get until Biden became president. He's ruining America and making life difficult for most of her citizens!
6/7/21 at 4:12pm
Florida_Veej commented on the Political wallpaper Biden's America - It's upside down.
6/6/21 at 3:37am
emma999 commented on the Political wallpaper John Fitzgerald Kennedy Quote.
if politicians didn't have to be also highly moral and virtuous, we would have many good politicians to choose from...
3/4/21 at 1:12am
emma999 commented on the Political wallpaper My interpretation of the meaning of COVFEFE.
cov-19... coffin... I need my coffee.... 8)8) Brilliant! How did you know?:):)
3/4/21 at 1:02am
emma999 commented on the Political wallpaper Socialism Never Works!.
Socialistic countries have the highest incident of abortions in the world. If they are so eager to get rid of their own children, what makes you think they will take care of you? (aimed at socialistic sympathizers in general:))
12/12/20 at 6:03am
TheDoubleD commented on the Political wallpaper Socialism Never Works!.
I COMPLETELY DISAGREE WITH SCOTMAN. Socialism has never worked (no matter where it has been tried) because it gives too much power to the government and that's where things start to go wrong -- POWER. The Right-Wing is basically law abiding, and are NOT cold, callous and non-caring. The laws in America are meant to keep order in our society, and the Right-Wing follows those laws. If we have no laws, why have a country at all? The Left-Wing thinks they can ignore the laws (by pretending they are kind, caring and compassionate) and do whatever they want, especially if it means they can increase their own POWER (wherein the problem lies). THE LEFT-WING WILL DESTROY AMERICA!
1/8/20 at 9:27pm
Scotman commented on the Political wallpaper Socialism Never Works!.
Socialism is a great system if done properly. Unfortunately it's PEOPLE in GOVERNMENTS who don't make it work or who operate under a 'Socialist' banner but in reality are just dictatorships. Left-Wing is basically kind, caring and compassionate. Right-Wing is basically cold, callous and non-caring.
1/5/20 at 1:58pm
commented on the Other wallpaper Covid-19 a/k/a Coronovirus and China.
1/1/70 at 12:00am