Full Name: | Naveen | Location: | Vancouver - Canada | Birthday: | March 1st | | Last Login: | 4/1/12 | Join Date: | 1/27/09 | Profile Views: | 96,884 |
About Me: | Om Tat Sat (Sanskrit: ओमॠततॠसतà¥, Aum Tat Sat) is a mantra in Sanskrit which literally ‘All that is the Truth’, essentially meaning the 'Supreme and Absolute Truth' or "The Supreme Being is the Absolute Truth"
Om Namaha Shivaya Om Durgaya Namaha
Major changes are occuring on earth and we are yet to hit the pinnacle of change. The more the world people become spiritual and start seeing the truth and have self realization the better the world is. Lets not fall prey to the evil folks who control this world. It is nearing the time were the worlds people have to start to WAKE UP. The Media is full of lies and this is the way the evil powers control people minds. You see The Power of the People taking place in major cities. The time has come for people to rise up. | | Interests: | Sanatana Dharma 108 , NHL Hockey, All Sports, Architecture, Interior Design, Creative Marketing. Beautiful Art Work, Nature, Mountains, Oceans, Extreme Sports, Ancient India History. | | Favorite Books: | The Vedas ( Most ancient scriptures written on Mother Earth, and Keys to the Universe ).
Vishnu Puran
The Bhagavad Gita (Sanskrit à¤à¤—वदà¥à¤—ीता, Bhagavad GÄ«tÄ, "Song of God"), also more simply known as Gita, is a sacred Hindu scripture, considered among the most important texts in the history of literature and philosophy. The Bhagavad Gita comprises roughly 700 verses, and is a part of the Mahabharata. The teacher of the Bhagavad Gita is Krishna, who is revered by Hindus as a manifestation of God himself, and is referred to within as Bhagavan, the Divine One.
| | Favorite Quotes: | "India was the motherland of our race, and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's languages: she was the mother of our philosophy; mother, through the Arabs, of much of our mathematics; mother, through the Buddha, of the ideals embodied in Christianity; mother, through the village community, of self-government and democracy. Mother India is in many ways the mother of us all".
Will Durant
"India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only."
Mark Twain
"One Billion-Year-Old fossil prove life began in India: AFP Washington reports in Science Magazine that German Scientist Adolf Seilachar and Indian Scientist P.K. Bose have unearthed fossil in Churhat a town in Madhya Pradesh, India which is 1.1 billion years old and has rolled back the evolutionary clock by more than 500 million years."
Adolf Seilachar
"From the Vedas we learn a practical art of surgery, medicine, music, house building under which mechanized art is included. They are encyclopedia of every aspect of life, culture, religion, science, ethics, law, cosmology and meteorology."
William James
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