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Full Name:Carol
Birthday:December 31st
Last Login:5/28/16
Join Date:4/4/11
Profile Views:119,347
Personal Information
About Me:Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It dose not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it dose not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 [English Standard Version♥] Plus I also like this Bible Passage: Proverb 3,5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart♥Trust in the LORD from the start, Trust in the LORD every day, Trust in the LORD to guide your way. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:7. Do onto others as you would want them to do onto you...
Favorite Music: Enrique Iglesias♥ Bon Jovi♥ and also Tyrese Gibson♥ plus John Legend♥ Westlife. PRINCE.
Favorite Books:The Bible
Favorite Movies:A variety of movies.
Favorite TV Shows:Army Wives. Chicago Fire, Chicago MED,,Chicago P.D. NightShift. Criminal Minds, CSI Miami, Investigation Discovery, Empire, American Crime, Catfish.
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Rika38Posted by Rika38   3/29/24 at 9:48am
Kellemes unnepeket kivanok !

EnjoyLifePosted by EnjoyLife   10/10/18 at 6:37pm
hope all is well, missing you on here dear friend, love in our Saviour
roxane-arPosted by roxane-ar   12/30/17 at 2:57am

Hugs :) :D :D :)
manizynPosted by manizyn   12/11/17 at 3:25am
Have A Lovely New Week
God Bless

gubiciiPosted by gubicii   9/19/17 at 6:16pm
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   8/15/17 at 6:34am
Roger is gone... :( :( :(
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   8/1/17 at 12:08am

Hi Everyone,

It's been a busy, but happy Summer for me-- which is the reason that I may not have been around to visit you for awhile. Well... mostly happy. Car problems that were not cheap kept me from seeing my 5 month old granddaughter for a couple of weeks, but at least the car is finally working again. :)

My job has been keeping me busy also. We are engraving a lot of Stainless Steel mugs right now. We have one type where each shrink wrapped mug must be unwrapped by hand before it is engraved. It's time consuming, and my hands are getting a little sore... but hey... it's a living! I can listen to any kind of music that I want to while I unwrap them too.:D

I try to upload at least 5 wallpapers a month. I uploaded one wall on July 4th. I tried to get more up here during the month, but things kept coming up. Finally, today, July 31st, I rushed these 5 wallpapers up here. I got them uploaded with less than 3 hours to spare; August 1st starts on Desktop Nexus at 8pm my time. (Michigan, USA) It feels great to have beaten the clock! :D I hope to get many more walls uploaded during the month of August, because I have a backlog now...stay tuned! lol

As you can see, I've got 3 Cows Group walls up in this bunch; and 2 of them are especially silly...:P :D If you aren't a member of the Cows Group yet, you should check it out. There is such an incredible variety of cow wallpapers in it scenic, unusual, cute, humorous, etc... I think this group has become one of the most interesting (and fun!) ones on Desktop Nexus! :D

I hope that you are having a great Summer also, or a great Winter, depending on where you live!

Elaine :)

PS. PUPPYDAWG/ROGER news is that there isn't that much right now. He is doing better, but has an annoying, chronic cough. I do think he could use your prayers. He wants to come back to Desktop Nexus, but he needs a new computer to do so. He has enough money, but he isn't very mobile. Hopefully, one of his relatives will be able to help him out with that soon. Believe me, he misses everybody!



CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   4/16/17 at 1:46am


From the beauty of Spring and the fun of Easter Bunnies & all of the trimmings...

to the amazing & glorious meaning of this holiday;

I hope that you will all
Elaine :)

PS. Wonderful News! Puppydawg/ Roger told me that he will be getting out of the hospital tomorrow! Which will be Easter Sunday. :D
cat-loverPosted by cat-lover   4/1/17 at 11:41pm
Hello everyone I have just had the following message from david I will contact each and everyone of you to make sure you get this message, Please keep david in your thoughts and prayers at this very stressful time for him

Jackie, I'm here at the nursing home and I'm with mom and I believe that I will be losing my mom at some point so if you could let everyone know I'd greatly appreciate that so very much!!!
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   3/4/17 at 5:10pm
KaPoof! I have turned into a Grandma!:D :D :D

Anna Susan, born 3:17am 7 pounds 4.6 oz...I haven't seen her yet... But I've heard her, and she has a very healthy set of lungs!!! :D :D :D

(Thanks to Luna for the use of this wallpaper!:D :D :D)

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   2/28/17 at 1:56am
Hi to all of my friends & fans! I hope you are doing well and enjoying life on DN as well as in your own homes.:D

In January the weather in my area was on the frigidy-cold side. In other words, normal.:) I wanted something on my wallpaper screen that looked a lot warmer than I was feeling-- so I created the 3 wallpapers below. But I didn't get to upload them when I planned to.

Now that February is almost over, the weather has been well... weird. We've had everything here from extremely cold days, to days so mild I've almost been fooled into thinking Spring has come.

I know better though. I live in Michigan, the Great Lakes State of Unpredictable Weather. I'm convinced I'll find plenty of good use for these warm hued wallpapers before the Winter really ends.

Perhaps you will also! Hot Cocoa & marshmallows anybody?

Stay warm!:D

Elaine :)

PS. If you live south of the equator, I guess you'd better stay cool! But if you're a member of DN, you are always cool, in my book! :D


CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   2/14/17 at 12:15am
Guess what tomorrow is? Here's a clue:
What do you mean the zebra gave it away? Well... I guess you're right... lol :P :D

Have a great one! :)
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   1/27/17 at 9:18pm
To my friends & everyone else on Desktop Nexus,

I am the bearer of some sad news.

Betsey Butler, a member of Desktop Nexus since September of 2008, passed away on November 20th, 2016. I did not find this out until last Sunday, January 22nd.

Even if you did not know Betsey, please read on. I have something to say that you may never have thought of before; something that could help you and many others.

Most, if not all of us, have made some good friends on Desktop Nexus. Some of those friends may mean so much to you that you've even exchanged email addresses with them and have become pen pals, (or perhaps I should say email pals.)

Betsey and I were email pals. We wrote back & forth on a regular basis. Often it was just short notes. We had days where we wrote each other as much as 10 times. Sometimes 3 or 4 days would go by before we wrote again, but we always kept in touch.

On October 24, 2016, I wrote Betsey that I was about to go to Canada for the first time in 25 years, and that I'd let her know all about it when I got back. She wrote back;

"Have a great day!"

That was the last time that I ever heard from her.

I kept writing her, and got more and more concerned when I didn't get any replies. Betsey had dealt with some health problems, i.e. she had what she called a "small stroke" and had to go live in an assisted living center for awhile, but then she got her own apartment again. I began to wonder if she'd had another stroke and was back in assisted living with no computer access or something. It never occurred to me that she might have passed away.

I finally found out that she had from another one of her friends who was just as shocked as I was about it. My friend read it on her Facebook timeline. No details were given.

Whoever may still be reading this;

Please, if at all possible give a trusted friend or family member access to your Desktop Nexus account; your Face book account; your email account. You matter. People care for you. People will notice when you are missing.

Please have someone lined up to notify people, just in case you leave this earth. None of us knows the day or the hour when that might happen... If you pass on, people will wonder and eventually worry about what happened to you.

One Desktop Nexus member who did think to do that was Sparky/Kate Hatheway. Her sisters were able to access her Desktop Nexus account and let everybody know. That was such a wonderful to do...


I wrote to Betsey for 14 weeks without hearing from her. It hurts to realize now that I was writing to someone who would never read what I had to say.

I have been in mourning since last Sunday when I found out. That is why I've been wearing this wallpaper of Betsey's on my profile for the past week. (By the time you read this, I'll be wearing one of the one's I made for Betsey.I wish I could wear more than one wallpaper at a time!)


I put aside some abstract wallpapers I was going to upload last Sunday. Instead I have spent this week creating two wallpapers in memory of Betsey Butler.

This one is my mourning wallpaper...

I was only going to make the one wallpaper, but I decided that another one was needed. To the best of my knowledge, Betsey was a Christian and had Jesus in her heart. She is now in a better place...so I created this happier wallpaper in her memory also.


Please choose either of my two wallpapers and put your thoughts and memories of Betsey in the comments. I would love to read them and possibly learn some things about her that I didn't know before. :)

One more thing. Betsey fanned 387 members here. I've fanned only 159. If she has fanned anybody that I have not, and they are still active friends of yours, please let them know about Betsey too.

Thank you for reading this...and God Bless...all of you! This sad experience has made me realize just how special you are...

With much love,

CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   1/1/17 at 12:13am


Father Time & I are dropping by to see you & say goodbye to


Let's say hello to 2017 instead! :D


Yahooooooo! It's a brand new year! Be sure to party and celebrate it to the max! :D
Best warm wishes for you in the New Year. I'm looking forward to more Collies, more Cows, more Wonderful Wallpapers, more Smiles, more Kindness, and more FUN on DN with you! :D :D :D

Love & Hugs,

Elaine :)
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   12/23/16 at 11:23pm
Hi..... I just want to stop by and leave you some Joy:

A little (wallpaper) present:


A blessing;

And to wish you a wonderful, meaningful, Christmas! :D

Thank you so much for being a part of my life this year at Desktop Nexus... my favoritest place ever! :) :) :)

Love & Hugs,

Elaine :)

PS. And last but not least, your very own decorated cow! :D
Well... I thought he was a cow.... :P oh well...:D

UniversalExplorerPosted by UniversalExplorer   12/14/16 at 3:21am
Thank you Carol for your comment & appreciation of my "Sparkle Olympic Rings" image!


Carla 8)
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   12/10/16 at 4:39am
Hi Carol,

I am enjoying the Christmas season & looking forward to Christmas itself. I hope you are also. :)

It was harder than usual for me to leave the Autumn season, however. That's because I fell in love with the beautiful Autumn leaves in my area this year. (Actually, it's still Autumn, but all of the trees here are now bare. We also had our first snowfall yesterday, so it sure doesn't seem like Autumn!)

For me, the 4 wallpapers I've just uploaded are transitional. One has Autumn colors, but 3 of the 4 are Christmas walls. I call them that because (a)they have a lot of red & green in them, and (b)2 of the 3 "red & greens" have Christmas tree shapes in them!:D

All 4 of these wallpapers were made with only "natural" ingredients... mainly, leaves. I collected the leaves I used for nearly 8 weeks! (I can just hear some of you saying, "So THAT'S what she does with her spare time... lol :)

May you have a lovely Christmas season, with many blessings to come! :D

Elaine :)

PS. If you'd like to know how I came to collect over 1,000 colorful leaves, I've written a journal post about it. Here's the link:




margarita8asPosted by margarita8as   12/4/16 at 9:33pm
UniversalExplorerPosted by UniversalExplorer   11/24/16 at 4:49am
Hi Carol,
Hope you're having a great week!


Carla 8)
CollieSmilePosted by CollieSmile   11/21/16 at 1:24am
Hi Everybody! :D

I hope that you are doing well, and have many things to be thankful for. Desktop Nexus is a big one for me, and I bet it is for you also! :)

Another thing that I'm very thankful for is Autumn. The trees are so beautiful when their leaves turn... in my "neck of the woods" it is a wonderful feast for the eyes. Perfect for a color freak like me! :D

One thing that made this Autumn truly exciting for me is that I got to go to CANADA for one glorious day! I've been trying to get there for years! (I bet that all of you Canadians are either applauding, or are thinking that I'm just a little bit nuts... lol)

The three wallpapers below were all taken in Canada, 2 by me, and one by my husband. I've written a journal post about the day we were in Canada. I hope you'll have a look at it, if only to see that I'm not totally nuts...! Here is the link to it;


I know that Canadians celebrated their Thanksgiving Day back in October. "U.S.A. Thanksgiving" is coming up this Thursday, November 24th. I hope to get by your profiles with Thanksgiving greetings... but things can get crazily busy at this time of year. So just in case I don't make it, I want to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving today. For those of you not from the USA, I hope that you have a blessed day also, and many more to come.

Thank you all, for being such a wonderful part of my life!:D


Elaine :)


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Applejackqueen's current wallpaper is now #2112397
Title: Soft Blue Roses!
Category: > Flowers
Description: I take no credit for this picture.
4/28/16 at 1:46am
Applejackqueen commented on the Flowers wallpaper Soft Blue Roses!.
Very beautiful wall paper I love my roses alright my favorite. +1+f
4/28/16 at 1:42am
Applejackqueen commented on the Collages wallpaper ~ ♥ღ The Sign of Love ღ♥ ~.
Very pretty I love it.+1+f
1/21/16 at 11:14pm
Applejackqueen favorited wallpaper #2071379
1/21/16 at 11:14pm
Applejackqueen's current wallpaper is now #2071379
1/21/16 at 11:14pm
Applejackqueen's current wallpaper is now #2065408
Title: Abstract Heart
Category: > Flowers
Description: My Firefox Persona theme to match is at: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/abstract-heart-by-madonna/
1/10/16 at 3:43am
Applejackqueen commented on the Flowers wallpaper Abstract Heart.
Beautiful well done great wallpaper for Valentine's Day. +1+f.
1/10/16 at 3:41am
Applejackqueen favorited wallpaper #2065408
Title: Abstract Heart
Category: > Flowers
Description: My Firefox Persona theme to match is at: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/abstract-heart-by-madonna/
1/10/16 at 3:40am
Applejackqueen's current wallpaper is now #2045510
Title: Christmas Blues
Category: > Winter
Description: Designed by MaDonna
11/26/15 at 7:20pm
Applejackqueen commented on the Winter wallpaper Christmas Blues.
Very pretty for Christmas I love it.+1+f
11/26/15 at 7:17pm
Applejackqueen favorited wallpaper #2045510
Title: Christmas Blues
Category: > Winter
Description: Designed by MaDonna
11/26/15 at 7:17pm
Applejackqueen commented on the Flowers wallpaper Soft Pink Roses.
Very pretty I love it +1+Favorite
10/23/15 at 12:57am
Applejackqueen's current wallpaper is now #2035233
Title: Soft Pink Roses
Category: > Flowers
Description: My Firefox Persona theme to match is at: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/soft-pink-roses-by-madonna/
10/23/15 at 12:56am
Applejackqueen favorited wallpaper #2035233
Title: Soft Pink Roses
Category: > Flowers
Description: My Firefox Persona theme to match is at: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/soft-pink-roses-by-madonna/
10/23/15 at 12:55am
Applejackqueen's current wallpaper is now #320224
Title: Misty trio of love
Category: > Flowers
Description: Roses in a mist
7/26/15 at 2:06am
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