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All Discussion Activity by viettinexpresshcmAll Discussion Activity by viettinexpresshcm
viettinexpresshcm has commented on the profile of viettinexpresshcm:
Gioi thieu:Cong ty Viet Tin Express nhan gui da dang cac loai hang hoa di khap cac bang cua My. Quy khach co the den lam viec tai van phong cong ty, hoac chung toi se ho tro nhan hang va dong goi mien phi tan nha. Doi tac cua Viet Tin Express la nhung cong ty lon trong nganh van chuyen hang hoa hang khong quoc te lon nhu: DHL, UPS, FedEx, TNT va he thong dai ly toan cau. Chung toi luon tim kiem giai phap tiet kiem va linh dong cho nhung kien hang khong khan cap nham dam bao quyen loi tot nhat cho khach hang.Dia chi:83/48 Truong Dang Que, Phuong 3, Quan Go Vap, TP.HCMHastag: #viettinexpress #guihangdimyNgay Sinh:28/05/1990SDT: 0935880881https://www.viettinexpress.com/https://www.turnkeylinux.org/user/1512767https://comicvine.gamespot.com/profile/viettinexpress/about-me/https://studiumfc.umontreal.ca/blog/index.php?userid=277409https://8degreethemes.com/support/users/viettinexpresshcm/https://devpost.com/viettinexpresshcmhttps://forum.acronis.com/it/user/353130https://miarroba.com/viettinexpresshcmhttps://myspace.com/viettinexpresshcmhttps://www.instapaper.com/p/8999694https://git.qt.io/viettinexpresshcmhttps://vittnexpressgihngim.doodlekit.com/https://ello.co/viettinexpresshcmhttps://pubhtml5.com/homepage/uwhphttps://viettinexpresshcm.page.tl/https://www.skillshare.com/profile/Viet-Tin-Express-gui-hang-di-My/821715253https://www.intensedebate.com/people/viettinexpress1
5/3/21 at 9:14am
viettinexpresshcm has commented on the profile of viettinexpresshcm:
Giới thiệu: C�ng ty Việt T�n Express nhận gửi đa dạng c�c loại h�ng h�a đi khắp c�c bang của Mỹ. Qu� kh�ch c� thể đến l�m việc tại văn ph�ng c�ng ty, hoặc ch�ng t�i sẽ hổ trợ nhận h�ng v� đ�ng g�i miễn ph� tận nh�. Đối t�c của Việt T�n Express l� nhưng c�ng ty lớn trong ng�nh vận chuyển h�ng h�a h�ng kh�ng quốc tế lớn như: DHL, UPS, FedEx, TNT v� hệ thống đại l� to�n cầu. Ch�ng t�i lu�n t�m kiếm giải ph�p tiết kiệm v� linh động cho những kiện h�ng kh�ng khẩn cấp nhằm đảm bảo quyền lợi tốt nhất cho kh�ch h�ng.Địa chỉ: 83/48 Trương Đăng Quế, Phường 3, Quận G� Vấp, TP.HCMHastag: #viettinexpress #guihangdimySĐT: 0935880881Website: https://www.viettinexpress.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5GZpivIcS-L5NGS0HvEyvg/about https://viettinexpresshcm.medium.com/ https://issuu.com/viettinexpresshcm https://viettinexpresshcm.wixsite.com/viettinexpresshcm https://draft.blogger.com/profile/13915369476481691130 https://catchthemes.com/support-forum/users/viettinexpresshcm/ https://www.reddit.com/user/viettinexpresshcm https://viettinexpresshcm.mystrikingly.com/ https://www.quora.com/profile/Viet-Tin-Express-gui-Hang-di-My https://about.me/viettinexpresshcm/
5/3/21 at 9:13am