Full Name: | Jim | Location: | The batcave?? | Occupation: | Russia?? | Birthday: | October 7th, 1900 | Education: | YOU?? O.0 | | Last Login: | 10/7/12 | Join Date: | 8/28/11 | Profile Views: | 3,841 |
My Website: | http://www.facebook.com/Mr.Awzm | | About Me: | The odds for me to become a psychotic lunatic with all the challenges i had in life is pretty high, and i just 18. But hopefully and it seems my heavenly father is helping me, to keep my feet on the ground. Also i go by the artist name J.H.A. It is the initials for my full real name..And yeah i almost forgot..I study the development of the mind at the Uni in Trondheim, also known as NTNU..Also i don't believe in democracy. Say what??
Rasjonalist, sosialist, realist, pessimist, rational egoist, sophist, skeptic, perfectionist, narsissist, determinist, humist, idealist and relativist | | Interests: | A few: Games, games,games,games,games and ohh i forgot. games, games,games. AHA just kidding..Lets see: Taking photos, video games and for the sake of this delightful conversation, Hanging out with friends -_- Blahh, i have my one girl and a bestfriend..and that's all i need x)
Okey now to the fun stuff: games : Final Fantasy 4,5,7,8,9,10(10-2),12 and 13, Dragon Age, Heavy rain, Metal gear solid 1,2,3 and 4, Yazuka 1,2 and 3, Kingdom Hearts 1,2 and birth by sleep, FF tactics, FF Crisis Core, Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion etc etc | | Favorite Music: | I sort of like songs with purpose, you know since i have 3,6 gb of awesome music on my personal computer. At least i think its 3,6 gb... I consider my music-taste to be rather good. | | Favorite Books: | I like fantasy: Harry potter, LOTR and A song of fire and ice.
Also the Bible is an oOkey book, you know nothing special ;P | | Favorite Movies: | V for Vendetta Is my nr.1
The Matrix next to American Psycho is nr.2
LOTR is nr.3 | | Favorite TV Shows: | Fantasy: A game of thrones
Funny:The Big bang theory, How i met your mother, Community
When you want to feed your inner psychopath: Dexter
Drama: Mad men | Favorite Quotes: | Do all things with love
theBusterSword is a fan of... | Recently Uploaded Wallpapers Recently Favorited Wallpapers Member Groups  This member hasn't joined any groups yet!  | theBusterSword commented on the Fantasy wallpaper Buster Sword.
Thank you so so so so much It made me both smile and laugh A lot of hugs from the coolest boy you know! |
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Til deg, Jim
I started a group - for Sweet Tooths
"I believe there is something in these old Fairy-tales that does what singing does to words.
They have transformational capabilities, in the way melody can transform mood.
They can't transform your actual situation, but they can transform your experience of it.
We don't create a fantasy world to escape reality, we create it to be able to stay.
I believe we have always done this, used images to stand and understand what otherwise would be intolerable.â€
― Lynda Barry-
- Take a look at this wall - She almost look real, don`t you think ?? Actually this is a drawing made by ordinary ballpoint-pens !!! I am in love with this artists work !
"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion.
I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up afterwards."
-Kurt Vonnegut-
"God put me on this Earth to accomplish a certain number of things.
Right now, I am so far behind I will never die."
And the most fabulous children's Christmas play - loads of fun !!!