Comments Posted by olsecesh | olsecesh commented on the Other wallpaper battle of lsandlwana.
I believe Isandlwana is a plain in what was then Natal. Yes there was a large battle there much like Custer's Last Stand. The painting is of the British stand at Roark's Drift. A small outpost nearby. Of the 11 Victoria Crosses issued at the time 7 were earned here. |
 | olsecesh commented on the 3D and CG wallpaper King Kong-Original.
I believe this is the film made in the 1970s, with Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange. The original was made in the 1930s with Bruce Cabot and Fay Wray. |
 | olsecesh commented on the Other wallpaper vietnam war.
I believe that this illustration shows a US Army rifle squad in the Pacific Ocean area in WW2. The uniforms, especially the web gear and leggings, and the weapons, M-! Garands, M-1 Carabines and long bayonets, are typical of that era. But I could be wrong. Hope this helps. |
 | olsecesh commented on the Models Female wallpaper Takin' it EZ.
madpainterken, Thanks for the "positive" comment. Her chest measurements aside, to me she has a classical beauty face. |
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