Forum Activity by jsacademyForum Activity by jsacademy
jsacademy has posted a new journal entry Kursus Estetika Jakarta Science Academy: |
jsacademy has commented on the profile of jsacademy: Perawatan IPL (intense pulsed light). Biasanya digunakan untuk mengatasi keriput atau bintik hitam, serta menghilangkan rambut yang tidak diinginkan. Perawatan laser. Biasanya dilakukan untuk menghilangkan keriput, bintik hitam, rambut, selulit, bekas luka, atau tato, serta untuk body contouring.Untuk dapat menemui dokter estetika saat ingin mempercantik penampilan atau jika mengalami beberapa masalah berikut:– Jerawat dan komedo.– Bintik hitam di wajah.– Kulit terbakar akibat sinar matahari atau warna kulit tidak rata (belang).– Selulit, stretch marks, atau permukaan kulit tidak rata.– Bekas luka pada wajah atau bagian tubuh lain.– Tanda-tanda penuaan, misalnya kerutan di wajah atau kulit kendur.– Alergi atau iritasi kulit akibat produk kosmetik atau obat.– Kulit kasar, berminyak, kering, mengelupas dan sebagainya. |
jsacademy has become a fan of AnnetteOwens. |
jsacademy has become a fan of blakejulli. |
jsacademy has become a fan of Twinkle_Star. |
jsacademy has become a fan of taunteanna. |
jsacademy has become a fan of BlueAngelAndreea. |
jsacademy has become a fan of abstracted2u. |
jsacademy favorited wallpaper #830744 Title: Beauty (for Zuri) Category: > Photography Description: My dear friend, lover of B&W photography, take this image of beauty from me given to you with all my heart and friendship I love your special taste! |
jsacademy favorited wallpaper #952353 Title: The beauty of a Woman Category: > Models Female Description: The beauty of a woman isn't in the clothes she wears, The figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes; Because that's the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. The beauty... |