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hapotravel1 has commented on the profile of hapotravel1:
Sau nhieu nam phat trien, Hapo Travel tro thanh mot trong nhung kenh thong tin ve du lich uy tin va chat luong. Cac thong tin chung toi mang den cho cac ban luon la nhung thong tin va danh gia khach quan. Ngoai nhung thong tin gia tri duoc truyen dat toi doc gia, chung toi cung la mot don vi cong tac dang tin cay. Vui long lien he voi chung toi de co them thong tin cung nhu cong tac qua cac hinh thuc sau:- Website: https://hapotravel.com/- SDT: 0987.556.889- Dia chi: Kim Giang, Thanh Xuan, Ha Noi#hapotravel #dulich #amthuc #homestay #khachsan #resort #villa
10/28/22 at 12:34am