All Discussion Activity by darknessAll Discussion Activity by darkness
darkness has commented on the profile of sweetwitchy: Hi Karyn! Thank u for the comment... |
darkness has commented on the profile of Darksong: Hi there... Thanx fot the comment... Have a nice day... |
darkness has commented on the profile of Forfi: Ja dosla.. Pa de da odemo na kafu nas dvi... Nismo se ispricale sto godina... Buraz sad izgleda kud mladje kud ugojeno.. xDD Ma lomio se on vec mjesecima i eto puklo mu i osijece kose bujne... Sacuvala sam njegovu pletenicu, mozda je i prodam.. Hahahha :* |
darkness has commented on the profile of madpainterken: Hi Ken, thanx for that little present... i have 1 for you too. looks familiar? |
darkness has commented on the profile of Darklore65: Don't worry, it's not a big deal.. Enjoy! |
darkness commented on the Photography wallpaper Silent Walkway. nice one.. fav+1 |
darkness commented on the Photography wallpaper Stop than t-rain. Beautiful!! fav+1 |
darkness has commented on the profile of abinandan27: |
darkness has commented on the profile of Forfi: Kako se necu sjecati?! Pa sjecam se i tvoje oooogromne kockaste torbe, cak i frizure se sjecam! Sto se setnje oko skole tice, mislim da smo mi u sustini napravile putic, koliko smo kruzile... xD P.S. E to da samnjam, a da opet ima neki vjerski fazon pored toga, umrla bih na mjestu... :S |
darkness has commented on the profile of marijaqlat: |
darkness has commented on the profile of Forfi: P.S. I still remember the fourth grade and getting to know you. Imagine how much time has passed since then. You're still my best friend, no, you're not, you're my sister now ... Luv ya...:* |