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A trăit intens şi fiecare secundă a vieţii sale a fost preţuită la maximum. A muncit enorm, iar de roadele muncii sale ne-am bucurat cu toţii. Sergiu Nicolaescu, "nemuritorul" filmului romanesc a murit la varsta de 82 de ani in spital.

Sergiu Nicolaescu, a prolific and popular Romanian director known for his historical epics who also served as a Senator, died Thursday, January 03, 2013. He was 82.

The Elias Hospital said Nicolaescu died from heart and lung complications following surgery for digestive problems.

Nicolaescu quit politics in December, having been Senator for the Social Democracy Party since 1992.

Nicolaescu made some 50 movies in his lifetime, and despite his career in politics, continued to direct films such as the \'\'Orient Express" in 2004.

He was best known for historical films which found favor with the Communist regime before it collapsed in 1989. His 1979 movie \'\'Mihai the Brave" is considered a cinematic classic in Romania.

\'\'A star of Romania has been extinguished," said Prime Minister Victor Ponta.

Nicolaescu was also an actor, and had several leading roles during his career, notably playing King Carol I in "Carol I," a movie he also directed that was released in 2010.

Associated Press


Dacii – 1967
Lupta pentru Roma (co-director Robert Siodmack) – 1968
Ciorap de piele (co-director Pierre Gaspard-Huit) – 1968
Ultimul mohican – 1968
Lacul din Ontario – 1968
Preeria – 1968
Mihai Viteazul – 1970
Atunci i-am condamnat pe toţi la moarte – 1972
Cu mainile curate - 1972
Lupul mărilor (co-director Wolfgang Staudte) – 1972
Răzbunarea – 1972
Ultimul cartuş – 1973
Un comisar acuză – 1974
Nemuritorii – 1974
Insula comorilor – 1975
Piraţii - 1975
Zile fierbinţi – 1975
Osanda – 1976
Accident – 1976
Războiul independenţei (Pentru patrie) (co-directors Doru Năstase, Gh. Vitanidis) – 1977
Revanşa – 1978
Nea Mărin miliardar – 1978
Mihail, caine de circ – 1978
Ultima noapte – 1979
Capcana mercenarilor – 1980
Duelul – 1981
Intalnirea – 1982
Viraj periculos – 1982
Ringul – 1983
Căutatorii de aur – 1985
Ciuleandra – 1985
Ziua Z – 1985
Noi, cei din linia intai – 1986
Francois Villon (film) – 1987
Mircea – 1989
Coroana de foc – 1990
Cucerirea Angliei – 1990
Inceputul adevărului – 1993
Punctul zero – 1996
Triunghiul morţii – 1999
Orient Express – 2004
Cincisprezece – 2005
Supravieţuitorul – released on April 11, 2008
Carol I (film) – released on May 9, 2009
Poker (film) – 2010
Ultimul Corupt din Romania (film) – 2012








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