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Last Login:8/19/19
Join Date:5/23/10
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Golf,Boxing,Politics,Books,Fantasy,Music,Video Games, RPGs, Chess, Psychology, Retro Games, Anime, Manga, Films, TCGs, FPS games, Coding, Art, Computers,Grammar
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sweetwitchyPosted by sweetwitchy   10/31/15 at 12:20am
Happy Halloween ♥
PuppydawgPosted by Puppydawg   10/28/15 at 4:30pm

Nine Important Facts To Remember As We Grow Older:

#9 Death is the number one killer in the world.

#8 Life is sexually transmitted.

#7 Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

#6 Men have two motivations: hunger and hanky-panky, and they can't tell them apart. If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich.

#5 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks, months, maybe years.

#4 Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital, dying of nothing.

#3 All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.

#2 In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal.

#1 Life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers. What you do today may become a burning issue tomorrow.

Don't ignore this message. This is your only warning.

sweetwitchyPosted by sweetwitchy   8/29/15 at 9:14pm
Have a day/evening ♥
sweetwitchyPosted by sweetwitchy   8/6/15 at 11:57pm
Enjoy your weekend!!
sweetwitchyPosted by sweetwitchy   7/18/15 at 3:56am
Hugs ♥
sweetwitchyPosted by sweetwitchy   7/4/15 at 3:54am
sweetwitchyPosted by sweetwitchy   7/2/15 at 3:20am
ale.andra32Posted by ale.andra32   5/13/15 at 1:52pm
hi there! this is what I coloured for you this week- hope you have a wonderful and fun week ahead my dear friend!









keep smiling
hugs :) alena
ale.andra32Posted by ale.andra32   4/27/15 at 7:25am
Have a beautiful monday dear Robert! I hope you colour your new week as you like!







keep smiling

hugs :) alena

sweetwitchyPosted by sweetwitchy   3/16/15 at 6:55pm
Hello Robert :)
emma999Posted by emma999   2/12/15 at 1:04am
Hi Robert! I usually try to describe my walls, because, I think its also nice to learn something about the images we look at, if possible. I don't always know who or what the image I'm uploading represents, but appreciate when people leave a comment with such an information. I wish that more people would do that. Ignorance may be a bliss, but expanding your mind with knowledge is also nice.:) Have a nice week!
sweetwitchyPosted by sweetwitchy   12/16/14 at 8:17pm
I hope all is going well and you're having a great week so far! I've started a new group called "Double or Nothing" :) You should check it out!!
Take care ♥♥
sweetwitchyPosted by sweetwitchy   11/20/14 at 7:37pm
Have a beautiful weekend :-*
animelovercallistaPosted by animelovercallista   11/19/14 at 4:17pm
Thank You, for being a Fan of mine.
animelovercallistaPosted by animelovercallista   11/18/14 at 6:41pm
Thank You! For joining "Anime Manga World".
MiaBellaPosted by MiaBella   10/17/13 at 11:37am
PuppydawgPosted by Puppydawg   8/10/13 at 3:43pm
Words of folly, wit, or wisdom?
sassyshell68Posted by sassyshell68   5/24/13 at 11:24am
[url=http://www.ubercomments.com/graphics/80/p/1/Friday]tons of Friday bulletin board graphics[/url]
TriangielPosted by Triangiel   5/5/13 at 6:27am

PuppydawgPosted by Puppydawg   4/2/13 at 11:23pm
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Member Groups Help
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aqua.s343 has commented on the profile of animelovercallista:
4/16/17 at 10:57pm
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Sky War
Category: > Other
Description: artist Mathieu Leyssenne 'Ani'
3/31/16 at 7:47am
aqua.s343 has commented on the profile of emma999:
Hi, Emma999Thanks for reminding me, I've been busy but I will contribute to the group--when-- I don't know, but I am liking your walls. Keep it up.The description is fine. If you want to make it shorter or bigger is up to you; I don't expect everyone to do it, but I appreciate your effort. Enjoy the group, and have fun! )
12/11/14 at 1:43pm
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Infected
Category: > Fantasy
Description: None
12/5/14 at 12:08pm
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Let's jam!
Category: > Cowboy Bebop
Description: None
11/20/14 at 10:56am
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Spike
Category: > Cowboy Bebop
Description: None
11/20/14 at 10:52am
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: comrades
Category: > Cowboy Bebop
Description: None
11/20/14 at 10:49am
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Faye Valentine
Category: > Cowboy Bebop
Description: None
11/20/14 at 10:45am
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Coyboy Bebop
Category: > Cowboy Bebop
Description: None
11/20/14 at 10:33am
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: plane
Category: > Fantasy
Description: None
11/13/14 at 2:24pm
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Mechanic
Category: > Fantasy
Description: None
11/13/14 at 2:16pm
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: replica
Category: > Fantasy
Description: None
9/21/14 at 6:51am
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: warriors
Category: > 3D and CG
Description: None
9/12/14 at 1:08pm
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Treasure Hunter
Category: > 3D and CG
Description: None
9/12/14 at 1:00pm
aqua.s343 uploaded a new wallpaper.
Title: Jiraiya
Category: > Naruto
Description: None
9/12/14 at 12:54pm
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