All Discussion Activity by animelovercallistaAll Discussion Activity by animelovercallista
animelovercallista commented on the Other wallpaper Outlaw Star - Glass 2. Good series, just went back through it in late last month.Fav.+1. |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of Kamursa: Welcome to Desktopnexus! And Thank You for joining "Anime Manga World". |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of Andy181: A Belated Welcome to Desktopnexus! |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of garyschmidt: Welcome to Anime Manga World! |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of Parkar_Shubh123: Welcome to Desktopnexus! |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of xSerGi: Welcome to Desktopnexus! |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of MysticalNiyaz: Welcome to Desktopnexus! |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of TheAlchemist: Welcome to Desktopnexus! |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of ElnazTajaddod: Thank You!, for joining "Anime Manga World". |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of buttacciotari: Welcome to Desktopnexus! Thank You!, for being a Fan. |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of emma999: Thank You!, for being a Fan. |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of Gooze719: Welcome to Desktopnexus! Thank You!, for joining "Anime Manga World". |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of katetween: Thank You!, for joining "Anime Manga World". |
animelovercallista has commented on the profile of christina9127: Welcome to Desktopnexus! |
animelovercallista commented on the Other wallpaper Crimson Mecha. Makes me think of Rahxephon, been awhile since I went through the series though. |