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Journal for amypinkglass_2Journal for amypinkglass_2
Know this early though that I support polygamy, ALTHOUGH I DON*T PRACTICE IT. For me, those who prefer it need not be condemned by others, especially the monogamists (who do call polygamists immoral...now that*s just not fair!). Sometimes it*s just respect for the culture and religion of other people, sometimes it*s respect for a person*s expression of his or her uniqueness and/or individuality. We need more respect on Earth!

Well, the real update is that he*s into both the positive and negative aspects of our break-up. No comment on my state, you can all see it anyway. I guess the same as him...we see the upside and the downside of breaking up.

WARNING: This is an online diary, so to those who of you who hate drama or mush or analysing relationships, go now.

I*ve just deleted what I wrote (because it was too cheerful and based on the wrong assumptions) when I cheerfully calmed down from the shock of seeing my crush charming the panties off a girl (it was like he was courting her omg) (On September 26th 2015....I hate that date now....now it*s an unromantic date, like the anniversary of an invasion.) (Hey, I don*t hate him!)

It really DOES matter whether something is REAL or just an act to make you jealous. My mistake was believing it when someone said Harry was merely trying to make me jealous. Wrong-o.

First, TAKE NOTE that I DON*T HATE HIM for being himself. Things happen, and we*re just ourselves through it all. With that in mind, you can now hear the story as follows:

(On that day, I was going to talk to him about compromise and all that {He said that if I ever changed my mind to tell him about it...a chance lost for us both}, it could have been a day that changed our lives {because of compromise}, and THEN I saw that he was busy so I backed off (he was quite occupied charming this ONE girl, and I was watching for a long time until I couldn*t take it any more...there was another girl that he also found very, very sexy...so I saw two girls actually on that night) (He*s young, what did I tell him?? I*m right, ain*t I?). We weren*t meant to get back together on that fateful day of September 26th) (Was he deliberately making me jealous? Only he can answer that. I just saw what I saw)...(Well, someone else saw him...so there were two of us at least...plus him...and that girl....plus the other sexy girl...five of us know then) (the two girls would get acquainted later, right?) It wasn*t a romantic time for us to reconcile...plus I saw that a "WILD OATS PERIOD" is something he will need for many years.

I*m NOT mad at him...see why, below (the explanation shown in green).

Uhm...don*t take the overly-cheerful words you*ve once read here {I*ve deleted them} (what I wrote when I momentarily calmed down down and cheered up) too seriously (I actually BELIEVED IT when someone said Harry was just trying to make me jealous on Sept. 26...Now I think...what I saw could be real...). Those words {in the deleted post} were written when I didn*t have more information on how the two of us were doing after the break-up.

(I*ll be fine...) (Hope he*s fine too, whatever is going on...I shouldn*t over-analyse it though...life is life...)

{the post was here...} {deleted}

QUESTION: You said you supported polygamists and womanisers, so what*s the big drama for?

ANSWER: Well, to this day, he denies everything, and always tells me he CAN be loyal, so that leaves me with a different set of expectations. I know him though, so I*m very tolerant actually. But I thought THAT DAY (September 26) was OURS. Incredibly bad timing, really.

Since I*m not a practicing polygamist, there*s a BASIC INCOMPATIBILITY BETWEEN US that cannot be resolved with just "talking it over".

Perhaps we can chalk it up to Destiny doing its thing...it*s God*s events-machine. The person we will be with in the end remains a big mystery as well.

(See the article on the 7 instances that he gets off the hook {in Umbrella Girl}. There*s more information about me and this topic there) I respect polygamists, I don*t condemn them. But I am not one myself.

I M P O R T A N T:

NO, I*M NOT MAD AT HIM...Getting back together and being exes are two opposite things...WHEN I SAW HIM TRYING TO CHARM A GIRL, WE WERE TECHNICALLY EXES...SO THAT*S OKAY...

Don*t worry, Harry...what happened on the 26th of September was just incredibly BAD TIMING for a reconciliation. It could be probable that we might not be a true match as lovers. You*ll always be a good person in my eyes.

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