| HOW DO I SEE Desktop Nexus?
Definitely, Desktop Nexus/DN is a wonderful wallpaper site where people can also make friends.
Personally, I do not see DN as a dating site or a place where people look for romance or a good time, but I noticed some are doing just that. It is up to them though, and it could probably work for them. They could land the love of their lives.
What am I saying?!? Is it on again, Inspi? I am just kidding. Inspi does not know of my secret crush YET...I do not think I can tell her or anyone yet because it could turn out badly and all that excitement would be for nothing.
Wasn*t that "FORMER" secret crush? As in NO LONGER YOUR CRUSH? Well, since I am single, I can turn it on again...the switch to, well...(we cannot say love) (yet)...to...fascination...and imagining he and I are doing wonderful things. It is all in the imagination. Especially if your crush does not fancy you!
Does he? I cannot discuss this matter with anyone except my crush. (So he knows??) Yes, I told him. What was his reaction? Well depending on my mood...he is like the 70s mood watch that changes colors when you move.
His reaction was of course looking like he welcomed the possibility that I could fancy him, be fascinated with him as a man and all that.
What turned me on was that he reacted (unexpectedly!!) when I mentioned that "to my crush" I was like Ivy Valentine - Winter Edition...I was only kidding because I did not know his feelings...but he made it clear that he was sooo jealous of this guy (it was him!!) that he did crazy things...not violent things but close to it...LoL...kidding again ...nothing ACTUALLY violent...I will not say anything more 
He did not know I was sooo turned on that he was showing his feelings for me..He is very temperamental...I do not mind that I attract the type...As long as they are not clinically insane they can be handled with TLC...tender loving care.
Did I say "attract the type"?? Am I admitting that I know that he is also attracted to me? (Very attracted to me??) I really do not know much of what I am saying...but the first love of my mother acted in the very same way that I think I can be at home with his style of loving.
Did I just say loving?? I cannot believe myself here! LoL I say the most surprising things here...I am the most surprised at all!
He is the kind that says, "Come on...you KNEW all along that I loved you from the start..."
What?!? Well, okay I will calm down...
We are on the net. As long as we do not take things to the next level...we are virtual sweethearts.
WHAT!!!!!??? LoL It is like I am crazy, like being two persons here, one daring and the other very shy!
Okay, let us do this...let us lay the cards on the table:
1. I am in love with him (what???)
2. As long as he is not a professional actor, I know that he reacted badly (and genuinely) to jealousy issues/jealous notions
3. We are in a virtual world, where things can be taken outside the net and also where things CAN REMAIN AS IS, within the net, FOREVER
4. As long as he does not make it clear to me that he loves another, and as long as he does not hurt my feelings deliberately, I will not write an update to the effect of saying,"Folks, looks like it is really off this time!" (This is the most insane card on the table because it means nothing if he is committed and I do not know that...we are just letting each other know how we feel and nothing else ...it is the net...it is virtual)
Plus it is the sexiest ones that do not let you know they have wives, they do not speak of it, and later they will tell you, "I did not SAY that I did not have a wife...what is wrong with you?!?"...and so a love story ends and love dies.
So IS HE my boyfriend on DN? Can anyone guess who my temperamental boyfriend on DN is? (what??!?!!!)
Okay...I am losing it fast...just thinking about his sexiness..I mean about him...
I really do not know what I am doing...I was supposed to say.."We WILL see if I love him...the fruit is not yet ripe for the picking..it is not love yet" but here I am explaining Our Love. (what?????????)
It all started when he got jealous of the Ivy Valentine paragraph, folks...or even earlier than that!! Earlier than that??? Okay now I have truly lost it. Let us just hope that my DN boyfriend does not read this. (wha.....???). Too embarrassing. Too crazy. (in love.)
Forget that you saw this crazy entry on my journal.
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