Favorite wallpapers of alicianyxFavorite wallpapers of alicianyx
Megurine LukaUploaded by: IcePrince
Date Uploaded: 11/8/10
Resolution: 1920x1080
Date Uploaded: 11/8/10
Resolution: 1920x1080
Downloads: 900
Comments: 1
Favorited: 23
Points: +26
Comments: 1
Favorited: 23
Points: +26
Megurine Luka ♥♥Uploaded by: PrincesSerenity
Date Uploaded: 12/28/09
Resolution: 1152x864
Date Uploaded: 12/28/09
Resolution: 1152x864
Downloads: 11,074
Comments: 16
Favorited: 133
Points: +267
Comments: 16
Favorited: 133
Points: +267