Full Name: | Quinix Yashieyama | Birthday: | January 11th, 1991 | | Last Login: | 5/12/13 | Join Date: | 10/9/09 | Profile Views: | 4,273 |
About Me: | For my personality, i'm funny at times, usually smart with some things if i get pist, but i don't usually get pist much, and also, i don't ever say i hate anyone because i'm not the envy type of person, i'm trustful, generous, and can really understand most people who has some problems with anything, i'm a sweet person as anyone way, but thats only because i'm just that way. So if you want or need any help with anything or if you have a problem that you can't handle on your own, you can just ask me anytime if you like. I love to help people, because it makes me seem like how anyone would always seem as a great person to try to make the area with anyone alot better without any chaos happening or drama.
Personally i really have been pist for some time because of so much drama from other people because of their lack of taking criticisms. So please take caution that if you've been told by me to just do an advice, but you don't do it. Then just don't even bother asking me at all for any help. If you want help, just simply trust me with what i have to let you know about or tell you.
Lets see....what type of people i like....well, i don't know why, or if it's in my blood but, i love, and i mean, i really love Japan, China, and South Korea, i'm mixed but it doesn't explain why i like people like them, i only love how their culture is, and also, i love how the eyes looks, I have very good interest with slanted eyes, it's just nothing to put it for me but lovely, beautiful, but it most likely makes me think about something really good, it depends, people say that japanese girls has the same look, but for me i just think they have different expressions that i really like about more then anyone else. No matter how they look. It's like an example of one is like a Snow angel, or if the other one is like a shining star, but i mainly look in the eyes the most because i just like it the most, also their slight common personality as well.
I've always wanted to go to Japan because i really love the places there, and it's so beautiful in multiple places.When i meet a new person i don't really like sharing any other info about myself until i become good friends with them, i'm just not conferable with people asking me questions that isn't really necessary for me to just give the answer about. If i can trust you, then i'll answer most of your questions. | | Interests: | I'm Quinix Yashieyama, let me see if i can get some things straight about me... i'm one of the type of people who has a strong interest of the nights, one of the most beautiful moments in a day. The best part of the night is the moon. The moon expresses alot of things to me which comes to mind about being anything. I have no need to explain any further about that unless your really curious. | | Favorite Music: | The music i listen to is usually almost anything but i just don't like listening to country, not one of my type of music, and also i don't listen to that much rap or R&B, i like them, but i mostly listen to any music out of pop, rock, metal, jazz, techno, or trance, the 3 top of my favorites is Rock, Trance, and other music that is not in any of the categories for example, Music from Yoko kanno. My favorite Bands are Red, Linkin Park, Disturb....i really don't feel like naming them all..but the #1 band i like the most is Red, and all of their songs they made, it's the best i've ever heard. | | Favorite Movies: | The best movies i like deals with most Action or some horror or suspense movies, or Sci fi ones as well, i can't name them all but just know that i like most movies the most with action in it, but i'm honestly not eased with surprises or disturbing faces. Just to let you know. | | Favorite TV Shows: | Some shows or movies i like is "What i like about you" "Desperate house wife" or any other random shows that is funny and amusing to me. The only animes i like the most is Naruto, Bleach, Soul Eater, Code Lyoko(not because it's good or anything, it just gave me an idea about something) Eureka 7, Ghost in the Shell, and Avatar. I'm not really obsessed with watching it, but i am just amused by it alot. Impressive, funny interesting shows. If you want to know the details of each one of why i like them, you may ask me if you want. |
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