| I\'m sorry to hear about your uncle\'s passing. Its hard to lose someone w/whom you were close, especially on or near a holiday. Its difficult to celebrate when you\'re sad.
It seems to me you feel you ought to make a wallpaper for every holiday no matter what is happening in your life. That\'s not so for me. I\'m happy whenever the desire strikes, a forced artwork just isn\'t the same. As I like your design for this year, I\'d prefer in the future for you to FEEL the design rather than feel like you must create one because of the date.
Carla :|
For some reason I can\'t check the box for my response to correspond to Elaine\'s 2019 journal post. So instead, here it is: https://my.desktopnexus.com/CollieSmile/journal/a-painfully-difficult-halloween-23214/
| I like the way you listed your groups with the links to easily visit each.
I don\'t see a separate area to comment on each listing.
Carla  |
| This is also one of my favorite films Elaine. I just LOVE the part where the father is introducing his family to Ian\'s parents: This is Nick, Anita & Diane, Nick, Anita & Diane, Nick, Anita & Diane, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nicki ... so hilarious. My family does that too, so many have the same names. And ... the part where the women trick the father into thinking he\'s solved the travel agency\'s staffing problem. I like that its a comedy & drama (dramedy) mix. |
| I appreciate the notice, though its fine if it takes you a while to drop by, hey, we can\'t all be here all the time, we\'ve got plenty to do away from the internet & I would think that would increase when the weather becomes warmer. So don\'t feel obligated. I appreciate the time you are able to give me. Thank you so much for your friendship!
[URL=http://www.funscrape.com/Comments/Friendship.html] [/URL]
By the way, I\'ve been enjoying your green \'Oh My Lucky Stars\' persona  Carla |
| I understand that kind of pain Elaine. A few years back I threw out my back vacuuming & just getting out of bed to go to the bathroom took over a half hour of crying in excruciating pain, let alone the actual going to the bathroom. Eventually it healed. Yes ... EXERCISING AFTER INJURY is a BAD IDEA. Stretching slowly ok. Using the sauna or hot tub ok. They\'ll be another time when you\'ve over extended yourself & your exhausted or in pain ... then HOPEFULLY you\'ll remember to care gently for yourself first. I know ... I\'ve unfortunately learned this lesson over and over and .... the hard way. Here\'s to less painful days ahead. |
| I\'ve been a member for quite a while and there\'s still some areas of this site I just can\'t understand. Like how can I find out who favorited an image? Unless I happen to be @ their profile, I have no idea. I can see it has been favorited or rated up, yet unless the person leaves me a comment saying they\'ve done so, its a mystery. |
| CollieSmile\'s 2019 HalloweenI\'m sorry to hear about your uncle\'s passing. Its hard to lose someone w/whom you were close, especially on or near a holiday. Its difficult to celebrate when you\'re sad. It seems to me you feel you ought to make a wallpaper for every holiday no matter...Group ListingI like the way you listed your groups with the links to easily visit each. I don\'t see a separate area to comment on each listing.Carla ...Big Fat Greek WeddingThis is also one of my favorite films Elaine. I just LOVE the part where the father is introducing his family to Ian\'s parents: This is Nick, Anita & Diane, Nick, Anita & Diane, Nick, Anita & Diane, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nick, Nicki ... so hilarious. M...Thanks Elaine for the update.I appreciate the notice, though its fine if it takes you a while to drop by, hey, we can\'t all be here all the time, we\'ve got plenty to do away from the internet & I would think that would increase when the weather becomes warmer. So don\'t feel obliga...Ouch ... Ouch ... Ouch ... Elaine!I understand that kind of pain Elaine. A few years back I threw out my back vacuuming & just getting out of bed to go to the bathroom took over a half hour of crying in excruciating pain, let alone the actual going to the bathroom. Eventually it healed. Y...Favoriting & RatingsI\'ve been a member for quite a while and there\'s still some areas of this site I just can\'t understand. Like how can I find out who favorited an image? Unless I happen to be @ their profile, I have no idea. I can see it has been favorited or rated up, ... Recently Spotted MembersNo members found. Be the first. |