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Wallpaper Comments by RedHeadsRuleWallpaper Comments by RedHeadsRule

Comments Posted by RedHeadsRule

RedHeadsRule commented on the Graffiti wallpaper My Prayer Wall.
Oh, sweetie!!!!!!!! I am so very sorry that you are going through this ordeal right now! My thoughts are with you always, even though we don't get to talk as much as we used to. I am sending healing thoughts and lots of love to you and your family!!! Please keep us posted!
8/28/14 at 2:01pm
RedHeadsRule commented on the 3D and CG wallpaper Reflection Glasses.
Love this! Great work!
8/22/14 at 4:20pm
RedHeadsRule commented on the Actresses wallpaper Angelina Jolie.
WOW!!! LOVE this! Did you make her into a redhead or did she dye her hair in real life? Great work with the feathers and everything!
5/28/14 at 3:22am
RedHeadsRule commented on the Other wallpaper Flaming beauty.
Thank you so very much, sweetie! I love it....but....I have this same image already uploaded on here with a different background. I know that one of the moderators considers them the same wallpaper, so if she stumbles across it she MIGHT delete it! Let's hope not! I'm adding to my faves (of course) and sending you massive hugs! You are so very sweet to think of me!
5/27/14 at 6:07pm
RedHeadsRule commented on the 3D and CG wallpaper Floral art.
LOVE this!!!!
4/21/14 at 5:45pm
RedHeadsRule commented on the Other wallpaper For Children Without.
I lost my mother when I was just three years old...this poem made me cry! Gorgeous!
4/7/14 at 9:07pm
RedHeadsRule commented on the Fantasy wallpaper Zelda Twilight Princess Series# 3.
Love this! I always vote +1 unless I find the subject matter offensive, and then I just ignore it. I will try to pay more attention to your walls and give them the thumbs up that they ALL deserve! Great work!!!
2/23/14 at 8:42pm
RedHeadsRule commented on the Other wallpaper Sunset Wolf Spirit.
Gorgeous!!! Love it!!!
2/9/14 at 10:14am
RedHeadsRule commented on the Other wallpaper dream.
2/8/14 at 4:29pm
RedHeadsRule commented on the Fantasy wallpaper CRIMSON BUTTERFLY.
2/6/14 at 5:35pm
RedHeadsRule commented on the Textures wallpaper Birds of a Feather.
This is gorgeous!!!! Love it!
1/20/14 at 6:53pm
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Comments Received from Other Members

madpainterken commented on the Funny wallpaper Desktop Nexus Star Wars Style.
1/19/20 at 4:36pm
Alanviewheights commented on the Funny wallpaper Desktop Nexus Star Wars Style.
Amazing :)
9/15/19 at 5:49pm
JeremyJSquires commented on the Models Female wallpaper Beautiful Redhead.
Beautiful smile of girl.
2/7/19 at 9:45am
cehenot commented on the Funny wallpaper Crazy Train.
Good one :D
11/16/18 at 12:40pm
UniversalExplorer commented on the Models Female wallpaper Pensive Redhead.
[color=black]Striking! 8) Would you add this image to the Jewelry group?[/color]
11/6/18 at 1:57am
Scott-Ian commented on the Models Female wallpaper Ariel-Piper Fawn.
2/3/17 at 2:52pm
will1 commented on the Models Female wallpaper Beautiful Redhead.
That's Ariana Grande
1/13/17 at 10:11pm
Gibsonfan commented on the Actresses wallpaper Patriotic Marilyn Monroe.
A real screen icon sadly missed,great image.fav&voted up
12/8/16 at 9:21am
Puppydawg commented on the Actresses wallpaper Patriotic Marilyn Monroe.
[B]I know, I'm 2 years late, but I've just seen her nakedness under our beautiful stars and stripes! :P:P:P:P:P Fv+20,000[/B]
12/8/16 at 7:35am
Darksong commented on the Models Female wallpaper Gothic Redhead.
5/25/16 at 8:45am
Liesl commented on the 3D and CG wallpaper Desktop Nexus.
Like it :-)
4/26/16 at 8:05am
circecat commented on the Models Female wallpaper Gothic Redhead.
Agree with Iamlonewolf2! A beautiful redhead!
4/3/16 at 3:58pm
Billbowl commented on the Funny wallpaper I Write My Own Life.
Right On!!!!
4/2/16 at 3:39pm
Redhorsenj commented on the Other wallpaper Keep Calm.
There is nothing like loving a true redhead.Not dyed hair especially.Got to have a patch to match."
6/12/15 at 8:57am
stephaniemitchell16.. commented on the Actresses wallpaper Marilyn Monroe.
5/23/15 at 3:45am
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