Full Name: | Emmanuel | Birthday: | October 29th, 1996 | | Last Login: | 1/24/20 | Join Date: | 6/2/13 | Profile Views: | 25,916 |
About Me: | I threw the apple on Newton’s head in his sleep. I was Chuck Norris' master. At 20, I've won a lifetime achievement award, twice. I told Waldo where to hide. My pictures are worth 2,000 words. I taught Joe Satriani how to play the guitar while I taught Rushdie how to write. I make onions cry.
| | Favorite Quotes: | ''Love isn't blind, it's retarded'' - Charlie Sheen
"I would much rather have people think I'm stupid, and shock them, than have people think I'm smart, and disappoint them."
- Mike Bronson
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt.
''Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable'' - Cristiano Ronaldo
"When life gives you lemons,
make grape juice, then sit back,
and let the world wonder how
you did it"
''You'll just never know,so
many emotions I choose not to
''I trust everyone, I just don't trust the devil inside them." - The Italian Job
''Come Not, When I Am Dead.
To Drop Thy Foolish Tears Upon
My Grave.'' - Alfred Lord Tennyson
''Love Me Or Hate Me, I Swear
Baby It Won't Make Me Or Break
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein''
''Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,And waste it's fragrance on the desert air.” - Jane Austen
''Experience is simply the name
we give to our mistakes'' - Oscar Wilde
"The best brains of a nation are
found at the last benches
of a classroom."- President APJ
Abdul Kalam.
''Happiness is Like a Butterfly:
the more you chase it, the more it
will elude you, but if you turn
your attention to other things, it
will come and sit softly on your
shoulder…''– Thoreau
''There are many paths to the
top of the mountain, but the view
is always the same.'' – Chinese
''I always knew looking back on my tears would bring me laughter, but I never knew looking back on my laughter would make me cry.'' - Cat Stevens
''In the end, it's not going to
matter how many breaths you
took, but how many moments
took your Breath Away'' - Shing
''The hardest thing in life is
watching someone you love,
loving someone else'' |
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