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GO99 cam ket mang den thi truong nhung san pham bat dong san chat luong, nho vao kinh nghiem day dan, du an phong phu, nang luc kinh doanh manh me va doi ngu chuyen vien chuyen nghiep. Chung toi dam bao mang lai su hai long tuyet doi cho quy doi tac va khach hang voi dich vu cham soc khach hang va che do hau mai vuot troi.
He thong du lieu cua GO99 lien ket hon 2.000 toa nha van phong tai TP. Ho Chi Minh, TP. Binh Duong, TP. Bien Hoa voi day du phan khuc van phong tu hang A, hang B, hang C den van phong gia re. Voi phuong cham Tin, Duc, Tri, Nhan, GO99 luon dat trach nhiem cao do va trung thanh voi tung khach hang, doi tac, toi uu hoa chi phi, gop phan xay dung mot thi truong bat dong san lanh manh va an toan.
Website : https://go99.vn/
SDT : 0982 487 499
Dia chi : Tang Lung, Block B2 Topaz City, so 39 duong Cao Lo, Phuong 4, Quan 8, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam
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