Full Name: | Galaero A.E. Aurelius | Birthday: | September 20th, 1951 | | Last Login: | 10/3/14 | Join Date: | 11/26/10 | Profile Views: | 11,131 |
My Website: | none right now..in transition... | | About Me: | Been there, done that! if you don't like my response - do not send HATEFUL comments to my profile.. grow up.. this is a public area not your house. Freedom of speech and all. | | Interests: | researching all kinds of ancient history and energies, Sacred geometry, ley lines, Real healing abilities, I have them - and not that TV religious fake-paid for grab | | Favorite Music: | no acid sh_t, or hard rock, that sh_t kills life, teenagers are too dumb to know the different for the most part.. Harmones are out of control, and they have very little time experience also...
otherwise some of each-country, new age, classical, easy rock and roll, I like to be able to hear the words..... | | Favorite Books: | Davidicke's material, and Dan Winter's Sacred geometry | | Favorite Movies: | Many-good action flicks and adventure and scify stuff... | | Favorite TV Shows: | History and Discovery channels, programs that reveal the truth... to the most part... | Favorite Quotes: | Think outside the norm, box. Question all authority, especially governments-military and mostly religions, all of these want power over your mind and life, oh yea the Media big time brain washing... |
G-manGAEA13 is a fan of... | Recently Uploaded Wallpapers G-manGAEA13 has not uploaded any wallpapers yet.
Recently Favorited Wallpapers Member Groups   | G-manGAEA13 favorited wallpaper #1780746Title: We ♥ MeCategory: > OtherDescription: If you are the artist and don't want this wallpaper uploaded, please let me know and I will remove it ASAP. |
 | G-manGAEA13 commented on the Cats wallpaper White Tiger.
If the Supreme Being, were looking down on this one, his eyes would be wide open in wonder and awe.... for sure... and giving his blessing for sure... with a smile.. |
 | G-manGAEA13 commented on the Cats wallpaper White Tiger.
this is soooooooooo freaking awesome, man o man what a shot this was.. or is it a painting, sometimes when the artists is really good or great - they can do wonders!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
 | G-manGAEA13 commented on the Fantasy wallpaper FAIRY.
holy molie, now this is some well thought out and felt with the heart core for sure... just look at that color blending will ya? fantastico --- and the capturing of the expression is hands down... for whoever did this one, Well done... TY... |
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Posted by G-manGAEA13 on 11/29/10 at 06:42 PMred happens to be the favorite color of the GODS, so anti-christian....lol... oldest mind control in the world-religions......always telling everyone what to do.... still love the picture thou.... cann't take that away.....