| The last couple months have been busy with holidays and birthdays, but now I'm back to normal. In the next couple weeks I should be uploading more wallpapers for all of you to enjoy and share with others.
Any video games I should look for? |
| I've been busy busy for a while, so I haven't had some spare time to pick some fantastic images to upload for your enjoyment...so every Friday and Saturday, I'll set aside an hour (or two) to upload some wallpapers! ...speaking of which, I uploaded a screenshot of Master Chief and Cortana recently .
And now to upload a few images before I crash in front of the telly! |
| I just recieved a notice that my Inglorious Basterds wallpaper of Diane Kruger was a duplicate and the duplicate scanner had missed it.
All of the people who loved that wallpaper, here's the link for the original: http://people.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/181066/
I also just ran a quick site search and found out that my Poison Ivy DCUO is also a duplicate. Not suprisingly, that one popped up several times. So I deleted it so it wouldn't cause problems with anyone else. Here's the link for the original:
Please show your kindness you showed me to the original uploaders (by faving, posting nice comments, voting up) . Although I didn't mean to cause duplicates, it happened to me and it could happen to anyone.
Thank you!
From now on, if this happens again, I'll post a link to the original so you can still fav, upload, vote up etc.
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