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Wallpaper Comments by AliviaWallpaper Comments by Alivia

Comments Posted by Alivia

Alivia commented on the Political wallpaper Good Ole' Joe.
Would you want this man's finger on the nuclear trigger?
11/16/20 at 2:27pm
Alivia commented on the Political wallpaper The Real Story.
Would anyone want this woman's finger on the nuclear trigger?
11/16/20 at 2:26pm
Alivia commented on the Political wallpaper Mr. President.
Then I guess his running mate should be on the alert...lolololol
11/15/20 at 5:05pm
Alivia commented on the Funny wallpaper How True.
Hes called me an imbecile. I guess its the one word he knows from his childhood
11/15/20 at 5:02pm
Alivia commented on the Political wallpaper VOTER FRAUD IN AMERICA.
the world is full of evil people.
11/15/20 at 4:59pm
Alivia commented on the Political wallpaper Stolen Democracy.
It's not over until the robust lady sings.
11/15/20 at 4:57pm
Alivia commented on the Political wallpaper The Real Story.
Leftist is bad. But I think she might be a little more subtle than that. Maybe a double case of covid 19.
11/15/20 at 4:56pm
Alivia commented on the Political wallpaper Travesty How This Man Is Treated.
God help us all if Biden gets into the white house. It will be the end of America.
11/15/20 at 4:53pm
Alivia commented on the Political wallpaper Only If Trump Wins!.
Say it again. Everyone needs to hear it.
10/29/20 at 3:43pm
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Comments Received from Other Members

Lorina commented on the Graffiti wallpaper File Not Found.
great sign!
11/20/22 at 1:18pm
Lorina commented on the Graffiti wallpaper My Software.
I get those too.
11/10/22 at 12:27pm
emma999 commented on the Graffiti wallpaper God Made The Universe Text.
So, Earth was a formless rock inside the vast ocean of water God may of isolated that rock, gave it a form by separating waters from the waters around the rock then gave it its luminaries; sun, moon and stars that may be inside this dome which may be turning anti-clockwise to give it seasons The images of 'universe' are not real images but a technological construction of dispersion of light above us Straight above us is God's realm, his 'heavens'
8/2/22 at 3:25am
emma999 commented on the Graffiti wallpaper God Made The Universe Text.
I like the Biblical account of creation However, the 'heaven' in this text may not mean universe but the realm around the Earth Universe is a scientific concept that may be in error Earth, for all we know may be flat protected by a dome over it, a vault or atmosphere like a gas bubble over us The rest may be water:D:D 1In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. 6And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.” 7So God made the vault and separated the water under the vault from the water above it. And it was so. 8God called the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day. 9And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so. 10God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. 11Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 12The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.
8/2/22 at 3:15am
emma999 commented on the Graffiti wallpaper Truth Is Not Racist Text.
glad you brought it up:):)
8/2/22 at 3:02am
emma999 commented on the Graffiti wallpaper God Enabled Man Text.
God has made humans in his image so, given some clues, we can invent new things, be creative and come up with practical solutions, but as with all things, man can give it a good or, bad purpose Love is "good" but only if it respects the receiver Hate is neither good nor bad; we have to hate bad things so that we don't engage ourselves in them but to hate a person is bad We should first do all we can to help such person There is also such thing as resisting badness to the point of death if all fails
8/2/22 at 3:00am
emma999 commented on the Textures wallpaper Summer Flowers Deco.
Love it!:):)
8/2/22 at 2:45am
UniversalExplorer commented on the Flowers wallpaper Purple Flower Detail.
[color=blueviolet] Unique illustration. Gorgeous color! 8)[/color]
3/30/21 at 4:19am
UniversalExplorer commented on the Textures wallpaper Vine Pattern.
[color=crimson]Striking! Thanks for adding to the [i]Red group[/i]. 8)[/color]
8/20/20 at 9:23pm
lucille80 commented on the Flowers wallpaper Lilies for you.
Thanks for these beautiful lilies
7/14/20 at 2:34pm
lucille80 commented on the Other wallpaper God Bless America.
.....even the stars and stripes.....:)
6/26/20 at 3:19pm
lucille80 commented on the Other wallpaper God Bless America.
6/26/20 at 3:10pm
Silver_Storm commented on the Other wallpaper God Bless America.
F+1 Amen to that
6/26/20 at 2:00pm
lucille80 commented on the Fantasy wallpaper Blue Spider.
6/24/20 at 6:18pm
taunteanna commented on the Funny wallpaper Astonished Text.
OMG!!! Love this!!!
6/9/20 at 4:12am
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