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Journal for OceanDiamondJournal for OceanDiamond
Hope everyone is having a great New Years!
If you are the type of person to understand that if you have strong love or unconditional love for a person and would give your life up to save them from any type of destruction. You will understand why Christ died for us on the cross. He died to save us from our sins. He died to see us live again!

As for "The Resurrection of the Lord" on sunday. When he rises up once again. Why is it so hard to believe? He came back from the dead. We have spirits that walk among the world all the time. Wouldn\'t one spirit stand out above the rest who created them. I would think so. Praise him for he has ulimately defeated death with the power of his almighty love!

Give thanks and prayer this Easter for what he has done for unto you! :)
God Bless Everyone of you!
The world might look at you as a sinner; but, in GOD\'S EYES you are Pure and full of his radiance!
Love doesn\'t take a break
It has a heartbeat
Its unconditional
Believe it!
Let Love be your guide in everyway this beautiful Valentine\'s Day!
The world will most likely judge you for anything you do or say ! God would never under any circumstances judge you without noble reasons for it. God knows what he has to do for his people. He has a saying in our lifies. For he is who made our lifies. The world has NO right to judge God\'s people! For they are apart of kingdom of God.
Worry is easy to overcome the mind and body. Faith is only suitable to the mind and body. When we have a great grasp of its power and understanding to truly develop in its true nature!
These things resemble one God
These things make up one King (The king of Kings)
These things show that when we put these things into our lifies. All of our negativies will be out numberd!
Do you trust in this man?
Who gave up his life
When the world tries to rob you from your positives; instead, keep them and give them your negatives! The world is already negative and only by responding in a negative way to the world that solves nothing. Act like you don\'t care what the world thinks of your happiness and success! The world has no right to judge you for what you do and who you are!
Jesus Christ knows what is best for us! He wants us to love and repent the wrongs we\'ve done in our lifies. So our lifies will be restored from God himself; but, if you must look past your wongs or you are the type of person to not admit your wrongs to anyone or God. Simply look at Jesus\'s message "Repentace" as a sign of coming to God when you need help or someone YOU can talk to if there is anything on your mind. Like if you have worries tell them to God. If you have troubles that never leave your mind. God will bless you with his peace. Baiscally open yourself up to God, even if thats just a little! This openess will created less tension in you. It will do you good! It will make you feel refreshed. He will lift you up and take great care of you! Trust in his love and God Bless you! :)
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