| Inside raven kauffman\'s studio
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The only catch?None of it is for you.
That\'s just another day at the office for"Luxury lifestyle consultant"Raven kauffman.The former wardrobe stylist and fashion publicist came by the job accidentally in 2001 when a hotel concierge asked if she could take a guest shopping.That turned into a permanent personal shopping gig, and other clients soon came calling.
For the last few years, kauffman has spent millions on art, cars and gifts for a handful of southern california\'s wealthiest people, who did not have the time(Or sometimes the taste)To spend it themselves.Spending for a living has showed her the pleasures that money can bring, as well as the pain.And now that the economy is forcing everyone to rethink, she is shopping less and dreaming more.
Not that she is renouncing fashion exactly, but rather designing It herself.Because if there is anything kauffman has learned from having her finger on the pulse of the luxury lifestyle, It\'s what makes something desirable.She recently launched her own line of evening bags.Less"It"Accessories than timeless objets d\'art, they\'re so striking you cheap louboutins uk don\'t know whether to carry them or to display them on your mantle.Or ringing up 20 pairs of christian louboutin stilettos at a clip.
The only louboutin shoe outlet catch?None of it is for you.
That\'s just another day at the office for"Luxury lifestyle consultant"Raven kauffman.The former wardrobe stylist and fashion publicist came by the job accidentally in 2001 when a hotel concierge asked if she could take a guest shopping.That turned into a permanent personal shopping gig, and other clients soon came calling.
For the last few years, kauffman has spent millions on art, cars and gifts for a handful of southern california\'s wealthiest people, who did not have the time(Or sometimes the taste)To spend it themselves.Spending for a living has showed her the pleasures that money can bring, as well as the pain.And now that the economy is forcing everyone to rethink, she is shopping less and dreaming more.
Not that she is renouncing fashion exactly, but rather designing It herself.Because if there is anything kauffman has learned from having her finger on the pulse of the luxury lifestyle, It\'s what makes something desirable.She recently launched her own line of evening bags.Less"It"Accessories than timeless objets d\'art, they\'re so striking you don\'t know whether to carry them or to display them on your mantle.They are made with exquisite materials, including beetle wings, pheasant feathers, semi precious stones and art nouveau laser cut metal plates depicting flowers and birds. source: please clickRelated Articles:Linked Articleshttp://zhouyueyang001.blogcu.com/sale-christian-louboutin-2014-sale-christian-loub outin-2014/19916396http://www.mycharitypage.com/zhouyueyang001/blog/4174833http://www.mych aritypage.com/zhouyueyang001/blog/4174833 |
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