All Discussion Activity by xaynhatrongoimonacoAll Discussion Activity by xaynhatrongoimonaco
xaynhatrongoimonaco has commented on the profile of xaynhatrongoimonaco: Xay nha tron goi MONACO la don vi chuyen cung cap dich vu sua nha, cai tao nha, xay nha tho, xay nha tron goi va hoan thien nha lien ke, biet thu nha pho. Voi doi ngu kien truc su day dan kinh nghiem, chung toi da thi cong nhung cong trinh dang cap nhu nha pho, biet thu, chung cu cao cap.Website: SDT: 0915539111Dia chi: So 20A, ngach 445/192, pho Le Trong Tan, Phuong Dinh Cong, Q. Hoang Mai, Ha Noi #monaco #caitaonha #suanhagiare #xaynhatrongoi #hoanthiennhalienke |