Forum Activity by xaydungkienxanhForum Activity by xaydungkienxanh
xaydungkienxanh has commented on the profile of xaydungkienxanh: [URL=]Thiet ke noi that chung cu 65m2[/URL]Chung cu 65m2 la loai hinh nha o thich hop cho nhung gia dinh nho Viec thiet ke noi that can ho 65m2 can duoc tinh toan ki luong Sao cho tan dung toi da dien tich can ho va dam bao mot the nghi cho gia chu Cung Kien Xanh xem qua nhung luu y cung cac chiec mau ma noi that can ho 65m2 cuon hut nhat duoi day Nhung luu y khi thiet ke noi that chung cu 65m2– Tong mau chu dao va chat lieu– Kich co do noi that– Cach bo tri khi thiet ke noi that can ho 65m2– Thiet ke ban cong– Su toi gian trong thiet ke noi that can ho 65m2– Yeu to thien nhien trong can ho cua ban– Anh sang trong thiet ke noi that can ho 65m2>> Xem them: [URL=][/URL] |
xaydungkienxanh has commented on the profile of xaydungkienxanh: [URL=]Cai tao nha tap the[/URL] cu mang lai cua song tien ich dam bao su an toan cho cac gia dinh trong khu tap the. Moi ban xem qua nhung kinh nghiem cai tao nha tap the tai bai viet sau: [URL=][/URL] |
xaydungkienxanh has commented on the profile of xaydungkienxanh: [URL=]Kien Xanh[/URL] tu van thiet ke thi cong chuyen nghiep cung cap cac giai phap xay dung hieu qua cho khach hang Duoc thanh lap vao ngay 12 07 2016 cap phep boi So ke hoach va dau tu TPHCMDia chi: [URL=]53 duong 53 Hiep Binh Chanh Thu Duc Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh[/URL]Tel: 08 16 8888 03Email: [email protected][URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL][URL=][/URL][URL=] [/URL][URL=] [/URL][URL=\][/URL][URL=] [/URL][URL=] [/URL] |