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Wikibacsi com la trang thong tin dien tu noi bo cua Hoi dong chuyen mon cua Trung tam Nghien cuu va Ung dung Thuoc dan toc cung cap thong tin ve chuc nang quyen han nhiem vu to chuc bo may dich vu san pham nganh nghe va thong tin khac phuc vu cho hoat dong cho Hoi dong chuyen mon cua Trung tam Thuoc Dan Toc do Bac si Le Huu Tuan phu trachThong tin Ve WikibacsiWebsite: https://wikibacsi.net/Dia chi: Toa nha Song Da, duong Pham Hung, P My Dinh 1, Q Nam Tu Liem Ha Noi, Viet NamSo dien thoai: 024 3212 3133Email bacsiwiki@gmail comTheo doi kenh social Wikibacsi:https://www.facebook.com/bacsicongdonghttps://x.com/BacSiWikihttps://www.pinterest.com/wikibacsi/https://www.scoop.it/u/wiki-bac-sihttps://www.tumblr.com/wikibacsi1
7/3/24 at 8:06am