| Pop diva says christian louboutin wedding shoes rebecca black\'s \'friday\' is a youth revolution she wishes louboutin sale she could ignore Back to main menucelebrationsfraud preventionmanage your adplace an adcandace bushnell is no fool.The brains behind the"SexAndthe city"Franchise knows her gangly gang of four is rapidly aging out of the zeitgeist.Soon, carrie bradshawAndpals samantha, mirandaAndcharlotte will be more interested in stocking up on metamucil than manolos.To guard against that inevitabilityAndthe subsequent blow to her prada wallet the clever ms.Bushnell has devised a way for her characters to age backward, kind of like that movie where brad pitt starts as a geezerAndends up as a fetus.Last year, bushnell broke out the literary botox with"The carrie Diaries,"A novel featuring a teenage carrie b.Before she lands big in the big apple. "Diaries"Is a prequel to bushnell\'s 1996 best seller,"SexAndthe city,"The model for a wildly popular hbo series, a cinematic blockbusterAnda follow up bomb, all starring sarah jessica parker.She\'s in town not two hours when she scores an invite to a fabulous soiree, rubbing skeletal elbows with the beautiful denizens of gotham, including a young samantha jones, pneumatically sealed in green lycra it is the 1980s, after all before she becomes the ueber cougar we all knowAndlove.It\'s hard to knock bushnell for wading into the kiddie pool;After all, who wants to read"SexAndfour biddies? " (Plot points would include samantha\'s hip replacement surgery following a vigorous romp in the sack with miranda\'s teenage son, brady,Andbig\'s high cholesterol scare. )But let us take a moment to mourn the passing of characters who came into the world full formed brassy, boldAndover 21.CarrieAndher christian louboutin sale outlet besties were grown women who knew what they liked(Shoes, sex, inexplicably long lunchesAndone another).They asked no one\'s permission not a husband, boyfriend or daddy when buying ridiculously overpriced coutureAndstaggering home on their christian louboutin spikes after a night on the town, dodging rats as the sun breaks over the mounds of garbage during a trash haulers\' strike. (That\'s how the diva remembers nyc in the summer, at any rate. )That we are a culture that celebrates youth, especially when it comes wrinkle freeAndwears a double d, is nothing new.Still, social media has made it easier for Christian Louboutin Boots undercooked talent to make its way to our table.Were it not for youtube, justin bieber famously discovered by scooter braun after the producer saw posts of the 12 year old warbling at a local talent show would still be busking at an outdoor mall in stratford, ontario.Thanks to our adhd times, bieber, now a hoary 17, is ripe to be replaced by a younger sensation.Though already a bit long in the tooth, 13 year old rebecca black is the flash in the pan du jour.Not one of the 113 millionAndcounting to have viewed her youtube hit"Friday,"In which she sing talks in an auto tune monotone about the days of the week?As always, the diva is ready to strap on her designer welliesAndwade into the fetid online waters so you can stay cleanAndfresh.A sample:Tomorrow is saturdayAndsunday comes afterwards.Much has been made of the fact that black\'s parents paid an outfit called the ark music factory a few thousand dollars to write the lyrics cribbed from days of the week pantiesAndto produce her video, which premiered in february.Since then, black has received death threats, invites to"The tonight show with jay leno"And"Good morning america,"Andspawned countless parodies.In between complaining about the cyberbullying she has received from detractors who insist on calling her"The worst singer in the world," Black is reportedly busy going through pubertyAndrecording her debut album.Simon cowell, whose eye for young talent is rivaled only by hugh hefner\'s, gives"Friday"Andthe priceless publicity the sliver of glass in your eye jingle has generated two thumbs up. "I think it\'s genius,"He said, calling its ability to enrage"Brilliant. " Related Articles:
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