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Journal for vostmtindaJournal for vostmtinda
There are several definitions of an essay presented by a number of sources. However the standard idea of what an essay is can be summarized as; a short literary piece written and presented by a student on a particular subject highlighting their opinion on that subject.
As a professional writer I have written a lot of different essays so I have some experience in this field. This is why I want to share with you my knowledge on some of the different types of essays that you might come across in your studies.
1. Argumentative essay
As the name suggests an argumentative essay is an essay where the writer presents their opinion on a particular subject. An argumentative essay has four main elements. These are: Counterarguments, evidence, the writer’s position and the reasons for them taking that position. The position is the writer’s stance; the reasons are why the writer is taking that stance. The evidence is made up by the facts that support the writer’s argument. The counterarguments are the opposite views to the writer’s own.
2. Narrative essay
A narrative essay tells a story. Narratives are very specific in the sense that the details that the writer shares are unique to the particular story they are telling. Most narratives rely on personal experiences to explain and support the story the writer is telling.
3. Critical essays
Normally the word ‘critical’ tends to have a negative connotation to it. However that is not the case when it comes to essay writing. Critical essays are literal works where the writer picks a piece of work, analyzes it, interprets it and then puts together his or her evaluation of said work. The most important aspect of a critical essay is to present the reader with your interpretation of the text you are analyzing.
4. Expository essays
Expository essays can also be said to be investigative essays. These essays require one to look into an idea, evaluate and expound on it and then put forward your best argument based on that idea. Typically the instructions for an expository essay will include words like ‘explain’ and ‘define’. This is what makes an expository essay pretty straight forward.
5. Persuasive essays
The main goal of a persuasive essay is to convince the reader. Many people confuse argumentative and persuasive essays to mean the same thing however they are not the same. A persuasive essay is a passionate appeal to the reader to convince them to agree with the writer’s point of view.
6. Descriptive essays
Descriptive essays help paint a picture in the readers’ mind of what you as a writer are trying to illustrate to them. Descriptive essays use language and words that help the writer portray his or her idea to the reader.
7. Definition essays
In these types of essays the writer explains or expounds on the chosen topic or idea. The facts and evidence he or she includes in the essay should serve to teach the reader more on the idea being discussed in the essay.
8. Process essays
A process essay is like a descriptive essay in that it describes how something is done. These types of essays follow a step by step narration and timeline and include phrases and words that help the reader transition from one step to the next. A good example is a cooking recipe.
9. Compare and contrast essays
Simply put these are essays where the similarities and differences of two things are discussed. The writer will attempt to show the reader how similar the two things are, and also how different they are.
10. Cause and effect essays
These types of essays focus on the why things happen and the results of these happenings. Here the writer will attempt to explain why something happened and what the results of what happened were.
With so many different types of essays it is easy for someone to be overwhelmed when asked to write one of them. But fear not [URL=https://aimhighwriting.com/assessment-help-online/]https://aimhighwriting.com/assessm
ent-help-online/[/URL] are always available to offer our writing services should you need them.

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