All Discussion Activity by vominhnhatAll Discussion Activity by vominhnhat
vominhnhat has commented on the profile of vominhnhat: Voi su tan tam, tam nhin va no luc khong ngung, Vo Minh Nhat da xay dung thanh mot diem den dang tin cay cho moi nguoi tim kiem viec lam Y te. Trang web nay khong chi don thuan la mot cong cu tuyen dung, ma con la mot cong dong soi noi va phat trien, gop phan tao nen mot thi truong lao dong manh me va phat trien ben vung. #vominhnhat #ceovominhnhat #vominhnhat #vieclamytecom #ceovieclamvieclamyte #adminvieclamvieclamyte #authorvieclamyteThong tin chi tiet:Email: [email protected] Dia chi: 48 Duong U Ghe, Tam Phu, Thu Duc, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam |