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All Discussion Activity by vinroyalislandAll Discussion Activity by vinroyalisland
![]() | vinroyalisland has commented on the profile of vinroyalisland: Vinhomes Royal Island la bieu tuong moi cua su hoan hao va tinh te noi ma nghe thuat kien truc giao hoa tinh te voi ve dep thien nhien tao nen mot khong gian song ly tuong cho cu dan Du an nay khong chi la noi de song ma con la noi de trai nghiem cuoc song dich thuc noi ma moi chi tiet duoc cham chut ti mi de tao ra mot khong gian song ly tuong noi ma tinh than hanh phuc duoc hoa minh vao tung duong net cua cong trinh Voi quy mo len den 869 53ha Vinhomes Royal Island mang den cho cu dan mot loat cac loai hinh san pham da dang nhu nha lien ke shophouse biet thu song lap biet thu don lap dinh thu dap ung moi nhu cau va phong cach song cua gia dinh hien dai Dac biet du an Vinhomes Royal Island khong chi la mot khu do thi moi ma con la mot diem nhan moi tai thanh pho Hai Phong mot bieu tuong cua su phat trien va tien bo cua khu vuc nay Duoc dau tu va phat trien boi Vinhomes mot thanh vien cua tap doan Vingroup uy tin Vinhomes Royal Island hua hen se tro thanh mot diem den ly tuong cho nhung nguoi tim kiem khong gian song dang cap va tien nghi Thong tin xem them: https://vinhomeroyalisland.vn/tin-tuc/Hay dam chim trong khong gian song dich thuc tai Vinhomes Royal Island noi ma ban co the tan huong cuoc song dang cap va day du tien ich va cam nhan su ket hop tinh te giua nghe thuat kien truc va ve dep thien nhien Don chao mot cuoc song moi don chao Vinhomes Royal Island noi ban thuc su goi la nha Website: https://vinhomeroyalisland.vn/Cac MXH chung toi tham giahttps://www.facebook.com/vinhomeroyalisland.vnhttps://www.youtube.com/@vinroyalislandhttps://www.instagram.com/vinroyalisland/https://www.tiktok.com/@royalilandsvinhomhttps://soundcloud.com/vinroyalislandhttps://www.pinterest.com/vinroyalisland/Hashtag:#royalisland#vinhomesroyalisland#vinhomesvuyen |