All Discussion Activity by vieclamtaixeAll Discussion Activity by vieclamtaixe
vieclamtaixe has commented on the profile of vieclamtaixe: - cung cap thong tin chi tiet ve cac vi tri viec lam tai xe moi nhat. Ban co the tim hieu ve cac yeu cau cong viec, muc luong, gio lam viec, loai hinh cong viec (full-time, part-time) va cac thong tin khac lien quan. Dieu nay giup ban co cai nhin tong quan ve cac co hoi viec lam tai xe hien co tren thi truong.#vieclamtaixe, #tuyendungtaixe, #timviectaixe, #timvieclamlaixe, #vieclamlaixeThong tin lien he:Website: [email protected]: 0824880021Dia chi: 6A1 Hem B7, Binh Hung, Binh Chanh, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam |