Forum Activity by vieclambaotriForum Activity by vieclambaotri
vieclambaotri has commented on the profile of vieclambaotri: cam ket bao ve thong tin ca nhan cua nguoi dung va dam bao tinh bao mat trong qua trinh tim kiem va ung tuyen viec lam. Trang web tuan thu chinh sach bao mat va dieu khoan su dung, dam bao rang thong tin duoc cung cap tren trang web chi duoc su dung cho muc dich tuyen dung va khong duoc tiet lo cho bat ky ben thu ba nao. Cac doanh nghiep va ung vien co the yen tam ve tinh an toan va dang tin cay cua du lieu ca nhan khi su dung #tuyendungbaotri #timviecbaotri #tuyendungsuachua #vieclamkythuatThong tin lien he:Website: [email protected]: 0829 399 618Dia chi: 1H 2, To 1, Hoc Mon, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam |