Profile Comments by thongsovfbayProfile Comments by thongsovfbay
thongsovfbay has commented on the profile of thongsovfbay: VinFast VF 7 cung duoc trang bi day du cac tinh nang tien ich hien dai nhu tro ly ao va ung dung VinFast. Nguoi dung co the dieu khien, quan ly, tim kiem thong tin va giai tri ngay tren xe bang giong noi hoac qua cac thao tac don gian. Tinh nang thong minh nay mang den cho nguoi lai trai nghiem lai xe "ranh tay", tan huong cac tien ich da dang va dam bao an toan tren moi hanh trinh.#thongsokythuatvf7 #vinfastauto #vinfast #vf7Website: 1900 23 23 89Address: So 7, duong Bang Lang 1, Khu do thi Vinhomes Riverside, Phuong Viet Hung, Quan Long Bien |