Profile Comments by thoitietvipProfile Comments by thoitietvip
thoitietvip has commented on the profile of thoitietvip: Trang du bao thoi tiet co ten mien cung cap thong tin chi tiet ve tinh hinh thoi tiet tai 63 tinh, thanh pho tren ca nuoc, bao gom Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang, va nhieu dia phuong khac. Cac thong tin chinh nhu nhiet do cao/thap, do am, toc do gio, chi so UV, va tinh trang thoi tiet (may, mua, suong mu) duoc cap nhat lien tuc.Dac biet, giao dien cua hien thi ro rang voi hinh anh minh hoa truc quan va ban do thoi tiet song dong, giup nguoi dung de dang theo doi tinh hinh thoi tiet tai khu vuc minh quan tam. la cong cu huu ich de lap ke hoach di chuyen, lam viec, hay tham gia cac hoat dong ngoai troi mot cach thuan loi.Thong tin lien he:Dia chi: 1495 D. Hong Lac, Phuong 10, Tan Binh, Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam.Phone: 0765277914.Email: [email protected]: #trangchuthoitiet #dangkythoitiet #dangnhapthoitiet #linkthoitietSocial Enity: |