All Discussion Activity by thittraugacbepAll Discussion Activity by thittraugacbep
thittraugacbep has commented on the profile of thittraugacbep: Cua hang Thit trau gac bep cua chung toi luon dat chat luong san pham len hang dau. Thit trau duoc tuyen chon ky luong tu nhung con trau khoe manh, duoc chan tha tu nhien, mang den huong vi dam da va giau dinh duong. Quy trinh che bien truyen thong voi cong thuc gia truyen da tao nen nhung mieng thit trau gac bep thom ngon, dac trung cua vung nui Tay Bac. Khong chi la mon an hap dan trong bua com gia dinh, thit trau gac bep con la mon qua y nghia de tang ban be, nguoi than trong nhung dip dac biet.Thong tin lien he:Website: [email protected]: 0981253878Dia chi: 11/1 TL 14, Khu pho 3, Phuong Thanh Loc, Quan 12, Tp. Ho Chi MinhHastag: #thittraugacbep #thitraugacbeptaybac #thitgacbep #traugacbep #cagacbep #giavitaybac #dacsantaybac |