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Full Name:The Sailing Quy Nhơn
Last Login:9/20/22
Join Date:9/20/22
Profile Views:165
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About Me:https://quynhon-thesailing.com/ - Hotline: 0813079789
The Sailing Quy Nhon la mot trong nhung thuong hieu uy tin duoc lua chon hang dau ve bat dong san. Day la du an dau tien duoc trien khai tai Binh Dinh duoc vi nhu mat xich vang hiem co cua thanh pho bien voi kha sieu ket noi giao thong, ha tang do thi thong minh. The Sailing Quy Nhon lot top cac du an co chuoi tien ich noi khu va ngoai khu da dang nhat khu vuc thanh pho bien, mang den cho cu dan mot cuoc song tien nghi va nhung trai nghiem moi me doc la. Dac biet, khach hang kho co the tim thay du an bat dong san nao tiep giap voi 3 mat duong lon va chi cach bien 350m, nam sat Quang Truong trung tam thanh pho nhu The Sailing Quy Nhon. Co the noi noi day khong chi la khong gian song dang cap, day du tien nghi ma con mo ra co hoi kinh doanh tuyet voi cho cac nha dau tu boi vi tri dac dia cung he thong tien ich dang cap quoc te, gop phan mang toi cho cu dan mot cuoc song dang cap, sang trong ngay tai trung tam thanh pho Quy Nhon.

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