Forum Activity by theglobalcitymasterForum Activity by theglobalcitymaster
theglobalcitymaster has commented on the profile of theglobalcitymaster:á»±-án-Khu-Äô-Thị-The-Global-City-Thủ-Äức/388039008 |
theglobalcitymaster has commented on the profile of theglobalcitymaster: The Global City “Downtown City mang tinh bieu tuong cua khu vuc Dong Nam A The Global City duoc biet den voi ten goi cu la Khu do thi Sai Gon Binh An duoc danh gia la mot trong nhung to hop hien dai bat nhat tai Thanh pho Thu Duc do tap doan Masterise Homes mot trong nhung tap doan bat dong san hang dau tai Viet Nam dau tu va phat trien Do Xuan Hop Phuong An Phu Thanh Pho Thu Duc TPHCMPhone 0911.25.21.24The Global City “Downtown City mang tinh bieu tuong cua khu vuc Dong Nam A The Global City duoc biet den voi ten goi cu la Khu do thi Sai Gon Binh An duoc danh gia la mot trong nhung to hop hien dai bat nhat tai Thanh pho Thu Duc do tap doan Masterise Homes mot trong nhung tap doan bat dong san hang dau tai Viet Nam dau tu va phat trien Do Xuan Hop Phuong An Phu Thanh Pho Thu Duc TPHCMPhone 0911.25.21.24á»±-án-Khu-Äô-Thị-The-Global-City-Thủ-Äức/388039008ủ |