Forum Activity by theapp54Forum Activity by theapp54
theapp54 has commented on the profile of urologistbrooklyn17: Website Name: [URL=][/URL]Founded in 2019 by David J Sharp, our website aims to provide accurate and trustworthy information to wine enthusiasts around the world. We want to be seen as the ultimate wine expert resource, providing everything you need to know about wine and wine equipment in one convenient location.Social Link (if have) |
theapp54 has commented on the profile of theapp54: [URL=]LGBTEntertainment and Social Guide App[/URL]DESCRIPTION There’s little that compares to the feeling of walking into aplace and being immediately comfortable, your shoulders loosen, your breathingslows, you relax, knowing you can be yourself. Finding those spaces has oftenbeen hard for the LGBTQ community. America, andhopefully the world, is coming around to the fact that the LGBTQ community ishealthy, here to stay and growing more powerful every day. Like a "shockabsorber" THEAPP from LGBTQ.ONE smooths out the ride. Get on-board Today! ????? Our 90 secondanimated video explains how we drive such strong traffic. You can check out howour program works at THEAPP.OUR MISSION:The mission of THEAPP is to promotepeaceful, meaningful, and fulfilling exchanges between members of the LGBTQcommunity and merchants who wish to serve them. Until now, it has been a gamblefor LGBTQ individuals to walk into a merchant's business, not knowing what theymay encounter. With THEAPP, members can travel and interact confidently andsafely, knowing they can find merchants who are open, honest, and respectful.Our unique PWA technology works on any device, making it accessible to all. OUR LOGO is unique. Eachpart has a meaning. The DOT ONE is a nod to the power of the ONE movement, thefirst public gay and lesbian entity in the United States, organized in San Franciscoin 1952. The Green Carnation symbolizes Oscar Wilde and his group, who wore itas an emblem, and represents our commitment to acceptance, communication, andfun. For more information on how to work with us, please call us at 1-800-LGBTQ-01 OR 1-855-THEAPP-1THEAPP IS A FREE GUIDE TOLGBTQ FRIENDLY MERCHANTS AND SERVICES FROM LGBTQ.ONE & CAN BE A SIGNIFICANTBENEFIT TO LGBTQ FRIENDLY MERCHANTS, ALLIES AND MEMBERS OF THE LGBTQCOMMUNITY. For safe, confident, worry-free travel and day to day interactionswith merchants and services of all kinds, THEAPP from LGBTQ.ONE is your personalsafety device for blue skies and happy days. THEAPP is FREE to downloadand use. OUR HISTORY OUR HISTORY:THEAPP was developed as a toolto enable safe interaction among members of the LGBTQ community and as a guideto LGBTQ-friendly merchants and services. In the past, gay people were oftentreated as "second-class" citizens, and in some circles, ostracizedor worse. However, in recent years, terms like gender identity and sexualorientation have become widely accepted, and there are now support servicesavailable to the community. The Stonewall Riots in 1969 marked a turning point,and since then, the LGBTQ community has made significant progress. Terms liketransgender and bisexual are now widely recognized, and members of thecommunity no longer need to feel embarrassed or concerned about seeking HIVtesting. However, LGBTQ youth still face harassment, and with a "T"for Teen rating from Google Play Store, THEAPP fills a need byproviding a tool for them to interact safely and freely in the real world.THEAPP is completely free to download and use, and no card isever required to participate. Users can enjoy the service for free thanks to thegenerous support of LGBTQ-friendly merchants and allies. Whether traveling,enjoying leisure time, or conducting business, THEAPP enables communitymembers to find friendly, respectful, and accepting vendors, merchants, andservices to avoid conflict and disparities. It is a personal safety device thatpromotes equality and acceptance. |